I believe, small forms of positive united acts like “Actively supporting a positive action”, helps bring people together from all corners of the world. In Nepal where we focus on negativity and complaining, one possible solution might be to follow the bright spots and acknowledge it.
Here is a video of Chief Justices of Nepal thanking Facebook activists from all over the world who supported Nepali Supreme Court’s bold actions against corruption.
It was a result of 4,668 Nepalis and friends rallying together to send a “simple thank you” letter encouraging the Supreme Court of Nepal to keep doing its noble job.
A united positive act helps, however small it might be. And technology aids in such an effort by shrinking the effort and bringing us all closer.
For more context on what this group is about and how this small campaign worked, please
find the background information here
Maybe you can also start a group to thank some-one who is making a positive impact in Nepal’s bureaucracy, law enforcement, legal or even the political parties?
My suggestion is,
Lets follow the Bright spots and acknowledge them.
Shall we? :)
Thank you,
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