Archive for the ‘office improvement’ Category

In the time of darkness…

February 15th, 2009

In the time of darkness and gloom in Nepal, this entrepreneur is slowly turning to poetry as an escape. “when the way the society is functioning defies common sense, when the way we live here in kathmandu baffles even us who live in it (you who live away, will be in awe at how things … Read the rest of this entry »

An idea roaming around: would a cafe -lounge with  a chilled ambience / atmosphere which invites mostly entrepreneurs/musicians / artists /young passionate people, work as a viable business in Kathmandu ? would it have to be an inclusive place for exclusive type of people (the ones mentioned above ?) am looking for a place that … Read the rest of this entry »

if you are an entrepreneur in Nepal right now, then you are also a zen master too. Yes a monk ! because amidst great upheavals you have to keep your mind in focus, calm and empty of distracting thoughts. The trials and tabulations here is hostile to even seasoned entrepreneurs. The only entrepreneurs who will … Read the rest of this entry »

new workplace.

December 3rd, 2008

My company’s new IT workplace will have to be: mostly empty occasionally full most employees at home rather than in office at any given time conversations mostly through phone, chat and skype/gtalk decisions made miles apart from each other. clients thousands of miles apart solutions: same (quality, quality, quality) solves myriad of problems (random closures, … Read the rest of this entry »

everyone says we have to work 6 days a week in Nepal. I seriously doubt if our productivity is more than 2 days. It just means most of us think work not as a passion but as a job. not as a learning, but as a requirement. Time to change your job or find something … Read the rest of this entry »

Hunting for office space is tricky but here are universal issues to think of while choosing an office space in Kathmandu. a) Ask how the water supply is in and if they have a underground water pumping equipment or not. ask neighbours how the water supply is in the area. b) Again, be aware a … Read the rest of this entry »

My hypothesis: Best Working Environment >>> Best Workers >>> Best Product (or Service) >>> Profit !!! I wish i could explain it better with more words/paragraphs.. but this explains it all for what i wanted to say. btw.. if you think i missed ” Best idea”, no i didn’t. Its good if you have a … Read the rest of this entry »