Archive for the ‘philosophy’ Category
“All this learning means nothing until you make something happen.” tips from a entrepreneur.
July 15th, 2010
A small but powerful piece about “confidence” from a startup entrepreneur. He argues, “All this learning means nothing until you make something happen,” further adding, “I was an over-confident punk, thinking I had the answer, and everyone else didn’t. But it worked. And in fact, isn’t that kind of confidence absolutely required to get anything done? Isn’t the … Read the rest of this entry »
June 30th, 2010
Quoting words of wisdom from “Dokkodo”, an ancient Japanese warrior tradition. It applies to the warrior inside each of us ! May this be an inspiration to you as well. Accept everything just the way it is. Do not seek pleasure for its own sake. Do not, under any circumstances, depend on a partial feeling. … Read the rest of this entry »
Under promise – over deliver
May 24th, 2010
Its an old concept but frankly here’s a winner: Under promise and over deliver ! This make your customers go crazy about you and they will recommend you to others. Word of mouth will bring new customers and better days. Know any organizations or companies here in Nepal who Under promise and over deliver ? Write … Read the rest of this entry »
Prabal Gurung: Inspiring personalities from Nepal
May 13th, 2010
“I would rather make a mistake than live with the regret that I never tried.” Prabal Gurung Prabal Gurung’s essence can be captured with the above quote as much today, while full stride in his New York fashion career, as back in time when he was a young boy in Nepal. His dreams started at … Read the rest of this entry »
This 3 day Nepal bandh (total shutdown of country). This is blackmail.
December 20th, 2009
Are you looking forward to this 3-day bandh, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday? (Total shutdown of Nepal) What say to the sorry fact that a few big egos with no-one’s interests at heart but their own, will oppress you for three long days with the threat of some cheap several-hundred-rupee-per-day-hired-goons. Who benefits from this? Can bullying create … Read the rest of this entry »
The business cost of avoiding confrontation
December 4th, 2009
The business cost of avoiding confrontation in Nepal A friend from the US living part-time and doing business in Nepal expressed frustration over our (Nepali) strong cultural desire to avoid confrontation in a professional relationship. Specifically, the steep business cost of this in-action. We discussed for some reasons behind this. The graciousness of Nepalis is … Read the rest of this entry »
5 Whys
November 25th, 2009
My car will not start. (the problem) Why? – The battery is dead. (first why) Why? – The alternator is not functioning. (second why) Why? – The alternator belt has broken. (third why) Why? – The alternator belt was well beyond its useful service life and has never been replaced. (fourth why) Why? – I … Read the rest of this entry »
wanted to share an article ” how to build startups that matter”
March 21st, 2009
Eric Ries talks about how to build companies that matter. (1) Work on something that matters to you more than money, (2) Create more value than you capture, and (3) Take the long view. Its a good context in the current world wide recession in the world partly caused by “too much greed” and applies … Read the rest of this entry »
entrepreneur is a zen master in nepal ?
December 23rd, 2008
if you are an entrepreneur in Nepal right now, then you are also a zen master too. Yes a monk ! because amidst great upheavals you have to keep your mind in focus, calm and empty of distracting thoughts. The trials and tabulations here is hostile to even seasoned entrepreneurs. The only entrepreneurs who will … Read the rest of this entry »
new workplace.
December 3rd, 2008
My company’s new IT workplace will have to be: mostly empty occasionally full most employees at home rather than in office at any given time conversations mostly through phone, chat and skype/gtalk decisions made miles apart from each other. clients thousands of miles apart solutions: same (quality, quality, quality) solves myriad of problems (random closures, … Read the rest of this entry »
what is your average productivity per week ?
September 9th, 2008
everyone says we have to work 6 days a week in Nepal. I seriously doubt if our productivity is more than 2 days. It just means most of us think work not as a passion but as a job. not as a learning, but as a requirement. Time to change your job or find something … Read the rest of this entry »
off to understand the ground reality
April 18th, 2008
If you are going to invest your time and energy in a particular environment, you better give enough quality time and thoughts to understanding that environment, that place, that world. I am going to do just that. I am going back to my village in remote Nepal. A village is what truly represents the moods … Read the rest of this entry »
stability and people
February 26th, 2008
Young people in Kathmandu are under the impression that “grass is greener on the other side” here are a few tips : 1) Struggle, and make commitments early 2) Commit to career, forget the family for a few years ( really !) 3) Always ask one thing “am i going to lead or am i … Read the rest of this entry »
Why are all nepali travel sites in english only?
January 15th, 2008
Dear Travel and tourism businesses, well aren’t most of your customers from japan, china, korea, belgium, france, germany ? why is your travel site in English ? Respect your customer, by making your travel site and learning their language please ! (a travel and tourism information website) uses google translate to get around the … Read the rest of this entry »
Damn good read.
December 20th, 2007
“excerpts from Seth Godin” I love his intuitve common sense! and a good article to download. .and your clicks for free (the new ebook) Excerpt: “For the last two months I’ve been working away on a (short) ebook about traffic. Traffic to your blog or your company site. It has evolved quite a bit, … Read the rest of this entry »
Why take risk?
October 12th, 2007
Why take risk ? Why risk it all? to learn, eager to know more, to find out whats behind the door ! Entrepreneur’s spirit ! Am starting to read “Karna Sakya’s “Soch” (in english it translates to “thoughts”) Risk = Knowledge gained