More than 250 years ago, it so happened that in a place called Lig Lig, there used to be annual race held , the winner of which would be able to rule the land for one whole year. That year, a certain man by the name of Drabya Shah won this marathon race and actually became ruler of”Lig Lig.” Lig Lig was renamed into Gorkha. Thus the House of Gorkha was born and a descendent of this lineage, Prithivi Narayan Shah started uniting an area, which we like to call “Nepal” now.
Now: 2011
Youth Pressure Campaign, Nepal is launching a “Lig Lig Race 2011” where we will declare whoever comes first in the race as the Prime minister of Nepal. The runner ups simultaneously will be declared winners of important ministries!
Nearly 30 million Nepalis worldwide are frustrated with the lack of progress in selecting a new Prime Minister (for seven months now and after voting for 17 times). Youth Pressure Campaign wants to express those frustrations by organizing a mock race to select a new Prime Minister of Nepal.
We are launching an active protest movement to bring light of our politicians abject lust for power.
Come to the Constituent Assembly Hall directly in your running costume in New Baneshwar, on Friday at Friday, January 21 · 1:00pm – 2:00pm
Who knows you might just win this Lig Lig race ?
Here is the event details if you want to know more.
Will try to publish the winners here :) after the event.
p.s loved the way this event has been described by a fellow blogger at
Do check out his blog.
–Another top contender for the Next Prime Minister of Nepal