Posts Tagged ‘change’
when looters become rulers
May 28th, 2010
Here is a movie theme. It begins like this:
डाकुहरु (looters) take turns ransacking and looting a village. After repeated looting, the
village is sucked high and dry. Then a scuffle breaks out over who gets to loot the village one
LAST time before the village dies. All the villagers are on their knees, begging the villains
to … Read the rest of this entry »
Common sense dictates
May 22nd, 2010
Common sense dictates:
If you don’t like a system, you complain about it.
If nothing happens after you complain, or you are not satisfied, you look to change the
To change the system, isn’t it better to plan and find, organize like-minded people who
have the same world-view as you.
To do that, you have to start being … Read the
rest of this entry »
March 14th, 2010
Something I did on Valentine’s day with 60 other enthusiasts !
Froze for 5 minutes on the main square in Basantapur, Kathmandu.
A short video here
Change is not only unusual but very simple too ( and a bit crazy at that time)…
Change is fun too ( at the time maybe nerve raking)
nearly 3 out of 4 Nepalis are under 35. what does that mean to you?
January 23rd, 2010
nearly 3 out of 4 Nepalis are under 35. what does that mean to you?
Age———> % of Nepalis
<5 ———> 13.1
<10———> 27.1
<15———> 40.5
<20———> 51.1
<25 ———> 59.3
<30 ———> 66.4
<35 ———> 72.3
<40 ———> 77.7
<45 ———> 82.4
<50 ———> 86.6
<55 ———> 90.1
<60 ———> 92.8
<65 ———> 95.5
<70 ———> 97.1
<75 ———> 98.4
<80 ———> 99.2
80+———> 99.9
Study done in 2006.
Stats pulled … Read the rest of this entry »
the disadvantages of an elite education
June 7th, 2009
here is something (link above) that resonates with me against the backdrop where all the brain
drain that is happening in Nepal and the way smart youths are progressing towards being cookie
cutter professionals rather than the entrepreneurs, innovators, creative
intellectuals/professionals they could become.
The writer stresses on the “disadvantages brought forth by the elite education … Read the rest of this entry
am copy /pasting ‘motivator’ robin sharma’s writings. Hope you will end more
positive by the time you finish this. Everyone needs some motivation once in a while !
11 Rules To Change Our World
1. You be the change you dream of seeing (Thanks Mahatma Gandhi). “If everyone of us would
sweep their own doorstep, the whole … Read the
rest of this entry »
Here is my call to you to join a energized youth movement to revolutionize Nepal through
“common sense”.
“The Nepali Common Sense Movement – Doing the Right Thing”
We are tired of the the antics in Nepal’s current leadership (all of them). In the past
fifty years, all we ever wanted was a leadership to lead our … Read the rest of this entry »
Nodding is fun to watch, but largely ineffective.
March 14th, 2009
Seth Godin talks about something monumental. He asks and I quote ”
The Rorschach test question is this: When you read big ideas online, do you nod your head
knowingly, do you argue in favor of the status quo or do you actually do something? Kevin wrote
his book ten years ago. If you had known … Read the rest of this entry »
50 children infront of 50 turned off computer screens, writing their homeworks with a pencil.
February 12th, 2009
I saw a very surreal sight yesterday while visiting “arguably’ the best school in
Nepal. Budhanilkantha school.
50 (must be more) students on a vast computer lab, were in front of computer screens (which were
off) and everyone were working on their homework with a Pencil. Found it surreal.
so basically there was no electricity…(for most of … Read
the rest of this entry »
lessons learned on an impeccable set of plans for startup companies.
February 4th, 2009
I was reading through this and found it insightful.
these advice sounds good on paper but are actually startup killers (or any business
How to achieve failure with an impeccable plan like this.
If you feel this is a good plan, think again and read the article. you are in for a surprise:
Start a company with a … Read the rest of this entry »
Is everything okay : quoting from Seth godin
January 4th, 2009
Seth says and I couldn’t say it any better.
Is everything okay?
Unless you work in a nuclear power plant, the answer is certainly no (and if you work there, I
hope the answer is yes.)
No, everything is not okay. Not in a growing organization. Not if your company is making change
happen, or dealing with customers. … Read the rest of this
entry »
Be ready for anything!!!
December 26th, 2008
to quote Seth,
“be ready for anything”
makes perfect sense when you are in Nepal right now.
see link…
Change, Change, Change
May 21st, 2008
Granted i am writing about why Maoists won in Nepal, is not particularly a business and
entrepreneural blog, I am non the less writing.
Business and innovation is affected by the external environment and that environment needs to be
studied carefully and bet made on the directions it is leading.
When the situation of “hope” becomes … Read the rest of this entry »