To tax or not:

A tough question.

I am of the philosophy that i would rather give an employee more money in her hands than to the government who (i believe) takes that money and doesn’t do crap with it.
I feel that a government which taxes little helps creators create more and better in turn, helps employees, and other honest workers get more money.

In turn they spend more money. And that flow of money stimulates the economy, especially in Nepal, where people just save, save and save and don’t do much with it OR give it to the government for taxes.

Well… I don’t like the Nepali tax office because it makes you wait to pay your money to them. Their rudeness defies standards of decency.
Name a business you go to, where you have to wait and wait to submit money and “virtually gain nothing in return”. That business happens to have a name. The government of Nepal.

What do you think ? Should a business cut taxes of its employees and give it to the government or should it give all the money without taxes to the employee ?

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