Acumen Fund describes “patient capital” as not to seek high returns, but rather to jump-start the creation of enterprises that improve the ability of the poor to live with dignity.”

Ashu (Ashutosh Tiwari) and I are both fans of Acumen Fund. And we believe what we are doing in our group, “Entrepreneurs for Nepal”, complements their efforts by setting up a “patient systemic process” that helps in the effective implementations of “patient capital”. In our frequent brainstormings, we found ourselves always coming back to this central theme, “being patient, being persistent, and  building organizations with this combination of patience and persistence.”

A “patient systemic process” involves spending time patiently but persistently building systems in place in your organizations, into your career or into your businesses. In the context of Nepal, we have got to invest more time and energy into learning how to make  resilient  systems with processes built by patience but persistence. This means building system of processes in almost every end goal in your business/organization, whether it is  dividends, team-building, organizational growths,  profits or career growths.

Once you have processes in place, the system will be resilient.

Please post your comments in and continue the discussion in our facebook group, “Entrepreneurs for Nepal

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