Career driven or not?

by Ujwal Thapa on September 21, 2007

Young people that i interview (almost on a daily basis) seem have a problem in committing to their career.

A lot of young Nepalis i have met, seem more preoccupied with their family and their family affects their decision to such an extent, that they seem more than happy “half time”, even if that meant lower pay and lower career growth opportunity.
which means lot of holidays, and Nepal’s atrocious number of government holidays. (2nd highest in the world, last i recall!)

Career comes after family and I believe this impede one’s growth professionally specially when you are raw and need a certain direction to grow. When you add the “environment” to this factor, there is very little chance for the career to stand before family + external environment influx.

, for fresh young people trying to start working , you need balance. Balance between seriousness towards work and family pressure when each competes for priority.

I see little sense of urgency to succeed while you are young. This is alarming to me. This way,  innovation is stunted, as it relies on its bright people to push it up. In the end, only you will be left behind.

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