The so called first world countries have comparatively lower rate of eligible voters actually voting.
Are they lazy ?
the poor countries, such as Nepal, where every one seems to have ample “time” to vote and believe in spending a day waiting in line to “vote”.
Are they smart ?
My take is:
In USA: most people try to make change happen (with or without voting). So most don’t feel voting is that special.
In Nepal:most people have too low self esteem to make change happen (so they vote — to increase their self esteem)
Voting raises their self confidence in themself, and maybe make change)
In essence a story between high self esteem and low self esteem
Gross self esteem indicator, anyone ?
]]>if you are ever going to sell yourself extraordinarily successfully in the job market or any item in the market, which ever it is, Do this. Make sure you find a tribe (group of people) that listens to you and grow your tribe. Your tribe reflects your success.
Don’t go for everything or everybody. Don’t go for a mixture. Look for a type, a category. In essence look for a tribe of people (or build a tribe if the people aren’t there) and try to “lead” them , convince them to stay part of your ‘tribe’.
Its as easy as being a leader of a ‘tribe’.
All successful people are.
I believe that.
I am trying to make a ‘tribe’ of travel enthusiasts on Nepal in the site “”
what should i do to make this tribe bigger ?
]]>Time to change your job or find something in your job that translates into passion and purse that.
otherwise you are not really helping yourself or others.
]]>a) Ask how the water supply is in and if they have a underground water pumping equipment or not. ask neighbours how the water supply is in the area.
b) Again, be aware a lot of good areas in kathmandu are now plagued with traffic jams and noise pollutions. Posh place might not be the best place any longer. (specially for a lot of IT companies who need a quiet, conducive atmosphere to work).
c) Make sure, you ask why the previous tenant left. Usually reveals a lot about the house owner from the past experiences. Less hassles if the house owner is considerate.
d) Think about the “perception” of the central location of your office. Perception counts. Some places take a long time to travel for clients/employees but because the perception is that place is in a central place, people don’t feel tensed up to travel. Hence choose a place that is “percieved” to be in acceptable location, however far it may be from the actual centre of Kathmandu.
e) make sure the place is close to different “Micro bus” stops which are the lifeblood of a lot of your employees who come from all corners of kathmandu. This is the closest kathmandites will get to a metro train system
f) Make sure you talk about house tax details with owner before hand. Most owners don’t want to pay any house taxes to the government.
bring on your suggestions on office hunting experiences …
]]>i know this is a long list to worry about, but electricity problem is not to be brushed aside if you want to do any serious business in Kathmandu.
Add your suggestions !
]]>Himalayan times, English Daily in Nepal is is often hilarious to read because of the way their editors write their english. It needs some serious rescuing!
this is the one of their headlines “Defence still a bone of contention.”
Here are simple rules on the way to writing better english.
i. Never use a metaphor, simile or other figure of speech which you are used to seeing in print.
bad: I “stood shoulder to shoulder with” with tenzing.
better: I stood ‘besides” tenzing.
bad: I would like to take the pleasure in announcing our refreshing redesign of Exoticbuddha and humbly look forward to your grateful feedback.
good: Look at our ‘refreshing” redesign of exoticbuddha and I appreciate your feedbacks.
bad: I would appreciate it if you could understand our concerns and pay us in due time.
good: Thank you for paying your bills on time.
ii. Never use a long word where a short one will do.
bad: Nepal is a beautiful place with lots of adventures, treks and cultural wonders; i.e such as……
good: Nepal is a beautiful place. It is full of adventures, treks and cultural wonders. Places like…..
iii.If it is possible to cut a word out, always cut it out.
bad: On the other hand, i think he might just be right.
good: I think he might just be right.bad: I like him very much so.
good: I like him.
iv.Never use the passive where you can use the active.
passive (bad): Mount Everest was climbed by tenzing and hilary on 1953.
active: Tenzing and Hilary climbed Everest on 1953.bad (passive) : the bill should be paid on time. Otherwise you will be kept in our black list.
good (active): Please pay the bill on time. Otherwise we will keep you in our black list.passive: You will find a lot of restaurants are run by local people in sherpa villages.
active: Local people run most restaurants in sherpa villages.
v. Never use a foreign phrase, a scientific word or a jargon word if you can think of an everyday English equivalent.
bad: The spring water in mustang tastes like “amrit”
bad: The “H2O”in mustang tastes……
bad: the spring water in mustang tastes like “virgin”good: The spring water in mustang tastes like “nectars from paradise.”
good The spring water in mustang is “heavenly”
vi. Break any of these rules sooner than say anything outright barbarous.
these rules don’t work always. if you feel, something’s not right when applying these rules. .break them!
]]>and I thought: if Chinese are progressing at this rate (above 10% growth for the past 10 years), they will soon have enough money to start traveling. And Nepal is the right place for chinese and indians.
and I thought, how about a chinese language travel portal geared for chinese travelers to enlighten them about Nepal. It wouldn’t hurt to start, would it ?
China - 1.4 billion
India 1.2 billion
Nepal can choose plenty of travelers if it wholeheartedly focused in these 2 mega groups.
I know i have to do something here.
side-note: am going to the labs and start making in chinese language (a priority now).
here starts my experiment in taping a potential market (big one) !
]]>-few things to think about
Voice over IP system ( every worker has to be linked with at least 256kbps connection) and their special phone (or computer) acts as a communication tool. The server could be an “astreisk” open source VOIP system in linux. (free)
A special online time log system which logs time for your projects and makes you basically efficient.
(we are still trying to find one which suits our purpose).Everyone has to have a backup system for electricity outages (which is notorious in Nepal.) Recommend usage for laptops.
An online project management system such as the free open source ProjectPier system.
An online client invoicing system (such as Freshbooks).
and every employee gets paid directly to their bank account.
Don’t forget to add more suggestions !!!
]]>Tourism is a real deal in Nepal . I am up for it.
so thats why I made for travellers !