Why "not" Nepal? Ujwal's notes on entrepreneurship. http://www.whynepal.com A young entrepreneur's mad experiences doing business and entrepreneural experiences in Nepal. Fri, 21 Nov 2008 08:51:28 +0000 http://backend.userland.com/rss092 en wealth of a country: Gross self esteem indicator The wealth of a prosperous society or country is measured by gross esteem indicator (self worth). The so called first world countries have comparatively lower rate of eligible voters actually voting. Are they lazy ? vs the poor countries, such as Nepal, where every one seems to have ample "time" to vote ... http://www.whynepal.com/2008/11/wealth-of-a-country-gross-self-esteem-indicator/ worldview: leader of a ‘tribe’. I am wondering and asking, if you are ever going to sell yourself extraordinarily successfully in the job market or any item in the market, which ever it is, Do this. Make sure you find a tribe (group of people) that listens to you and grow your tribe. Your tribe reflects ... http://www.whynepal.com/2008/10/worldview-leader-of-a-tribe/ Yak in Manang Happy Dashain folks ! and enjoy this yak picture. http://www.whynepal.com/2008/10/yak-in-manang/ what is your average productivity per week ? everyone says we have to work 6 days a week in Nepal. I seriously doubt if our productivity is more than 2 days. It just means most of us think work not as a passion but as a job. not as a learning, but as a requirement. Time to change your job ... http://www.whynepal.com/2008/09/what-is-your-average-productivity-per-week/ hunting for office space in kathmandu Hunting for office space is tricky but here are universal issues to think of while choosing an office space in Kathmandu. a) Ask how the water supply is in and if they have a underground water pumping equipment or not. ask neighbours how the water supply is in the area. b) Again, ... http://www.whynepal.com/2008/09/hunting-for-office-space-in-kathmandu/ few ways to lessen the pains the electricity problems for your IT company in kathmandu a) buy laptops (and LCD monitors). b) buy offline UPS that have extended backups with batteries (car batteries work fine). c) make sure the electricity meters in your home has more than 30 to 60 Ampere at least. You don't need a three phase line unless you are more than 100 big. d) ... http://www.whynepal.com/2008/08/few-ways-to-lessen-the-pains-the-electricity-problems-for-your-it-company-in-kathmandu/ Better business writing, from George Orwell, with a little bit of help from me. Some simple guidelines to help write english essays /blogs better. I had to write this up quoting George Orwell's guidelines which i just read. I have given examples to help you out. Please print it out, if it helps. Himalayan times, English Daily in Nepal is is often hilarious to read because of ... http://www.whynepal.com/2008/08/better-business-writing-from-george-orwell-with-a-little-bit-of-help-from-me/ China and India: tourism possibilities. just saw the beijing olympics start off in style. Was excited but felt a certain lump in the throat because being its neighbour, We in Nepal are not emulating china's success strategies and its confidence. and I thought: if Chinese are progressing at this rate (above 10% growth for the past ... http://www.whynepal.com/2008/08/china-and-india-tourism-possibilities/ in the age of the internet: remote work from home ! We are thinking of implementing a remote workplace where people work from their own homes /places and come together only when needed. -few things to think about Voice over IP system ( every worker has to be linked with at least 256kbps connection) and their special phone (or computer) acts ... http://www.whynepal.com/2008/08/in-the-age-of-the-internet-remote-work-from-home/ From my trip to Mustang ! Tourism is a real deal in Nepal . I am up for it. so thats why I made www.exoticbuddha.com for travellers ! http://www.whynepal.com/2008/07/from-my-trip-to-mustang/