Tag Archives: nepal tourism

Hydro-Tourism: Can this bring prosperity to rural Nepalis?

Can there be a business linking Hydro-power and tourism together to bring a sustainable way to improve the environment and the living standards of rural Nepalis?

Nepal holds enormous potential in these two fields, Hydro-power and Tourism. They are what we can call our natural resources like Saudi Arabia has oil, South Africa has mineral resources etc. If you can find a magic mixture of these two, I believe there is an opportunity in this business for social entrepreneurs and local communities alike!

If we made big reservoir based hydro-projects like West Seti, an artificial reservoir lake larger than Phewa Lake in Pokhara would exist. It is near the Khaptad National Park, another beautiful area in much neglected and poorest of the poor far western region of Nepal. I believe there is a big potential for tourism revenue this way. Infrastructure could be made while building the dam, which could serve its dual purpose and help give long-term opportunities to the locals around that area.

I believe reservoir based hydro-power development help Nepal to counter load shedding when water levels are low, and they can also be used to form man-made lakes in the beautiful terrain in the hilly regions of Nepal. Also they may help keep up water supply during the dry season.

Do you have any suggestions on how else we can combine Hydro and tourism to bring prosperity to rural Nepalis?