Tag Archives: youth entrepreneur group

A Messenger of Sentiments- Bal Krishna Joshi from Nepal

Originally co-written as part of “Entrepreneurs for Nepal” group along with Samriddhi, the prosperity foundation

Bal Krishna Joshi argues that he might most probably be the most famous “goat-seller” of the world. Bal is best known for co-founding thamel.com, an internet e-commerce business that enables expatriate Nepalis to purchase gifts and arrange for their delivery within Nepal, including famously, selling goats over the internet, during Dashain festivals.

What made him an entrepreneur? His dislike for a career oriented job and his reluctance to work for a corporate entity. His search for new opportunities got his attention towards the IT industry. With a friend of his, Bal thought of building an information portal. His friend registered thamel.com. Their initial step was to cater to the needs of the site visitors by creating a chat platform. The platform was also intended for the vendors to use to connect to their prospective customers and sell their products. But to their surprise, they found that most of the users which consisted of Nepali students studying abroad, used the platform to connect

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