Watch what different important actors in Nepal voice the situation in Nepal, the way they
see it. I was also interviewed for part of this.
2 thoughts on “प्रश्न बिश्वासको हो। It is a question of trust”
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yeh, salvation lies in Nepalis uniting. Thats the only way forward for eachrnof usrnrn2011/6/10 Disqus
Heartily thanks for sharing such a informative video u00a0reflecting the present political scenario of our country. But sadden to hear that each politicalu00a0member are busy inu00a0playingu00a0the blame game rather then implementing the daunting task(constitutionu00a0making) they have been assigned.u00a0Congressu00a0blaming on Maoist and Maoist leaderu00a0blamingu00a0on others.Such blame game should be stopped promptly and we all should work on the betterment of our country. Furthermore, I have a strong belief that the day will come when we all unite together to make our Nepal a sample country in this globe.u00a0nnJay Nepalu00a0