अहिले नेपालमा यहाँ दुई जात मात्र छन् । एक आफुलाई ” नेपाली भन्नेहरु” अर्को “नेपाली बन्नेहरु” ।
“नेपाली भन्नेहरु” आफुलाई गर्वले नेपाली भन्ने गर्छन् । नेपाल बचाउँ भन्छन् , नेपाललाई बचाउन १० वटा उपाय भन्छन् अनि नेपालीहरुलाई नेपाली बन भनेर आवहान गर्छन्। कुनै चियापसलमा बसरे देश कसरी हाँक्ने भनेर बकमफुसे गफ गर्छन्। अझ ईन्टरनेट चलाउनेहरुले त फेसबुकमा चिच्चाउँदै हिडँछन्। बुढापाकाले “यस्तै हो, के गर्ने” भन्दै बाटो तात्छन्। उनीहरु दुष्टताको हाँगो काट्नै सन्तुष्ट छन् जरो उखेल्ने तिर ध्यान जाँदैन।
नेपाली बन्नेहरु आफुलाई मानवजाती प्रति उत्तरदायित्व भएको ठान्छन् । नेपाललाई संबृद्ध बनाउन तिर लागी पर्छन् । सामाजिक सदभाव आफ्नै घर-टोलमा सर-सहयोग गरेर शुरु गर्छन्। नेपाल बचाउने खासै १, २ वटा भन्दा बढि उपाय आउँदैन उनीहरुलाई । तर उनीहरुले बुझेका छन् कि नराम्रोलाई राम्रो बनाउन सबै राम्रा शक्तिहरुलाई एकै दिशामा लिएर जानुपर्छ ताकि त्यो नराम्रोको अस्तित्व आफै हराउँदै जान्छ। उनीहरु दुष्टताको हाँगो होईन, जरो उखेल्न लागि परेका छन्।
यदि नेपालमा ठाउँ, पहिचान चाहिएको समुह कुनै हुन भने यिनै “नेपाली बन्नेहरु” जातलाई चाहिएको छ। समावेशी बनाउने हो भने यसै जातलाई देशको आर्थिक, सामाजिक र राजनितिक शक्तिमा ठाऊँ देउ । समावेशिकरण गर्ने हो भने यहि जातलाई न्याय दिएर शुरु गर्ने हो कि ?
There are 2 groups in Nepal. One who say they are Nepali and the other who become Nepali.
The group that says they are Nepali are made of people who just talk or write or educate others and we can safely say they are the dominant group in Nepal. They regularly meet at Chiya Pasals and fart from their mouths. They seem to calculate each political intrigue happening in each politician’s home. The elders famous phrases include “ke garne” and “yestai ho”.
The marginalized group are the ones that know only to do (take action). They regularly meet at Chiya Pasals to plan what to do next. They seem to ignore every political intrigue but take interest in the life of each other’s problems and families. Their favorite phrases are ” ahile na gare kahile, haami le na gare kahile” They are helping in other campaigns even though it is not their core interest. They believe that one effective way to tackle negative is to align all the positives together in the same direction that the negative stops being relevant.
I believe this second group (the doers, the Nepali be-comers) are now excluded from Nepal’s political, economic and social decision-making. If we want to make Nepal inclusive, how about empowering this “doers” group by involving them in decision-making alongside the dominant “talkers-writers-educators” group. How about including “doers” in every institutions of Nepal ?
how do you become a “doer” or one who aspires to “become” a Nepali .. here are some ways.
Sure from aid to entrepreneurship .. thats where I am pushing everyone to
nepal is being ruined by “charity culture”, i.e. even if you just sit around talking, someone else will pay for you .. be it self-righteous ngos, remittance from 3d working relative or superior feeling helping nrn. but they all do equal damage. how about looking into that effect too?