my experiments :) – नेपाली भन्ने कि बन्ने? Time to Lead Nepal! Fri, 06 Sep 2019 12:31:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 my experiments :) – 32 32 13334460 आजको नेपाल बन्दको दिन /experiments/nepal-bandh-today/ /experiments/nepal-bandh-today/#comments Mon, 17 Jun 2013 04:15:13 +0000 /?p=7728


आज नेपाल बन्दको दिन। स्कुटरमा पुतलीसडक जाँदै थिएँ। बाटोमा हिँडिरहेका एक जना बुढा अघि रोके । “दाई जाने हो, लिफ्ट दिन्छु” । बुढा हाँस्दै भने, “म त नजाने, हिँडनै मज्जा छ”। ठिकै छ भनेर अलि अघि गए। अगाडि महिलाहरु हिँडी रहेका रहेछन्। तर सोध्ने आँट आएन। फेरि “लिफ्ट दिन्छु’ भन्दा अन्यथा सम्झि “झाप्पु” खाईयो भने? खुरुक्क अगाडि बढेँ।

अनि फेरि एउटा युवा एक्लै सुस्तरी हिँडि रहेको फेला पारे। उसलाई त्यहि सोँधे। दंग परेर स्कुटर चढि हाल्यो त्यो भाई । चढ्न साथ उसले भने “आहा दाई, ढुँगा खोज्दा देवता मिले जस्तै भयो यो त।”
कुरो के रैछ भने त्यो भाई कलंकीबाट चक्रपथ महाराजगंज सम्म हिँडेर आएका रैछन्। खुट्टा बेस्कन थाकेको रहेछ।
‘घर कहाँ हो भाई” मैले सोधे।
उसले फ्याट्ट सोधे, “दाई मुसलमान हो?”
म हाँस्दै भने ” किन र भाई?

‘तपाईको दाह्री देखेर’। म झन हाँसे। मैले हेल्मेट

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How to start typing/writing Nepali? नेपालीमा कसरी लेख्न / टाईप गर्न सिक्न? /experiments/write-in-nepali/ /experiments/write-in-nepali/#respond Fri, 31 May 2013 03:59:03 +0000 /?p=7421

I started writing my blog in Nepali in 2011. Here is the steps I took in learning how to type and write in Nepali kha-ra-ra-ra खरररररर 🙂

  1. First I installed Unicode Nepali in my computer. (Instructions on how to install in your phone/computer is towards the end of the article).
  2. The strategy I used was to set the desktop background of my computer to an image of “Nepali keyboard layout”. (Right-click desktop and change desktop picture. In windows if you press “start + D” you can switch between desktop and your writing window). You can right click on the image below and just download it).
  3. Then I started translating my most popular articles into Nepali. Translating your own english writings, however few you have, is a great way to start, since only you know the real emotional tone, depth and style in your writings.
  4. Translate fast and rough at first. Then leave it for a

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12 Lessons I learnt running a company in Nepal /entrepreneurship/managing-business/ /entrepreneurship/managing-business/#comments Tue, 04 Jan 2011 05:45:42 +0000 /?p=1443

Here are a few lessons I learnt while running my online branding & web development firm Digital Max Solutions (DMS) in Nepal for nearly 10 years. Some of the lessons maybe IT specific. Enjoy!

  1. Be directly, personally responsible to the client. Otherwise chances of success in your project is low.
  2. Ensure quality yourself. If you personally don’t do quality checks on your products or services, make sure the person who does it, has your 100% trust.  (Otherwise it will come back to haunt you)
  3. Delegate but teach. If you delegate your project’s communication to your employee (your associate), teach them exactly how, what, why and when to communicate.
  4. Train your employees (associates).  Do not expect them to solely learn by their own or the internet. Understand the concept yourself first.
  5. Your employees value what they can learn from you personally. Substituting respect from them by friendship with them alone, may not work.
  6. Repeat yourself. Over-communicate. Your employees may not understand the first time around. This happens often. Ask them

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the disadvantages of an elite education /experiments/the-disadvantages-of-an-elite-education/ /experiments/the-disadvantages-of-an-elite-education/#respond Sun, 07 Jun 2009 09:07:33 +0000 /?p=251

here is something (link above) that resonates with me against the backdrop where all the brain drain that is happening in Nepal and the way smart youths are progressing towards being cookie cutter professionals rather than the entrepreneurs, innovators, creative intellectuals/professionals they could become.

The writer stresses on the “disadvantages brought forth by the elite education system in the US (and the world… i will add). The system is gearing towards making careers, rather than making minds. They make professionals who cannot deal with the rest of the system or environoment they live around, rather than making innovators who can deal with problems of others inside the eco-system.

Our elite education system is fast becoming a system that makes “excellent sheeps” 🙂

When we send our smart youths away to study at the elite institutions in the world, maybe we are not going to get very much in return (in line with our expectations).

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some positive thoughts from a Hydro Power developer in Nepal. /experiments/some-positive-thoughts-from-a-hydro-power-developer-in-nepal/ /experiments/some-positive-thoughts-from-a-hydro-power-developer-in-nepal/#comments Sun, 17 May 2009 14:02:01 +0000 /?p=185

Few weeks ago, in the “entrepreneurs for Nepal” gathering, I got to interact with a Nepali Hydro electric developer and a pioneer, Gyanendra Pradhan at a “entrepreneurs for nepal” gathering on 30th of April. He makes a good case for Hydropower development in Nepal. Here are a few stats he pulled out which was interesting.

  • Nepal has 20,000 liter of water per person (thats a  lot).
  • His words ” Nepal is a cheese between 2 breads” because of water and the hydro potential. He sees Nepal’s moment of action is now, where we need to show foriegn and domestic investors that we are serious on our efforts turn this potential gold mine into action. Otherwise the confidence will be lost for a long time.
  • Nepal has enough supply to power south Asia with hydro power, the cheapest form of generating electricity.
  • More than 50 thousand crore rupees (500,000 million rupees)  is currently being invested (or about to) in hydropower in Nepal right  now.

    Gyanendra’s mantra for a

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