human resources – नेपाली भन्ने कि बन्ने? Time to Lead Nepal! Thu, 02 May 2019 17:32:54 +0000 en-US hourly 1 /wp-content/uploads/cropped-tumpak-whynepal-logo-e1363328285738.png?fit=32%2C32 human resources – 32 32 13334460 12 Lessons I learnt running a company in Nepal /entrepreneurship/managing-business/ /entrepreneurship/managing-business/#comments Tue, 04 Jan 2011 05:45:42 +0000 /?p=1443

Here are a few lessons I learnt while running my online branding & web development firm Digital Max Solutions (DMS) in Nepal for nearly 10 years. Some of the lessons maybe IT specific. Enjoy!

  1. Be directly, personally responsible to the client. Otherwise chances of success in your project is low.
  2. Ensure quality yourself. If you personally don’t do quality checks on your products or services, make sure the person who does it, has your 100% trust.  (Otherwise it will come back to haunt you)
  3. Delegate but teach. If you delegate your project’s communication to your employee (your associate), teach them exactly how, what, why and when to communicate.
  4. Train your employees (associates).  Do not expect them to solely learn by their own or the internet. Understand the concept yourself first.
  5. Your employees value what they can learn from you personally. Substituting respect from them by friendship with them alone, may not work.
  6. Repeat yourself. Over-communicate. Your employees may not understand the first time around. This happens often. Ask them to

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a new concept of shopping in Nepal /human-resources/a-new-concept-of-shopping-in-nepal/ /human-resources/a-new-concept-of-shopping-in-nepal/#comments Wed, 22 Sep 2010 18:28:44 +0000 /?p=1161

This caught my eye.

seems like a new way of shopping from Nepal. Your thoughts ?

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We need a Park ! Turn our old Royal Palace into one now ! /governance/a-better-use-of-the-old-royal-palace/ /governance/a-better-use-of-the-old-royal-palace/#respond Sun, 13 Dec 2009 15:48:08 +0000 /?p=321

We want a park to enjoy, to take a breathe away distraction full Kathmandu. What better use of the old Royal Palace  in Kathmandu to turn it into a park! It is a huge space in the most lucrative business districts of the country and it now houses a stupid museum and a stupid bureaucratic hole. So lets suggest some creative ideas for this space. Here are some of mine:

  • Take the bloody foreign ministry somewhere else first.
  • Get a bid for building a hybrid limited storied business- commercial shopping complex all around the Palace. This way new businesses will have a new address to attract nepalis and foreigners alike. Cap the design to be more architecturally Kathmandu’s Malla period architecture. Let there be a open plan/competition for architects for a design that incorporates tourism complex with a big park in the middle.  Use this to attract responsible tourism related business into the complex. (plan is to extend and upgrade Thamel’s charm there in a more cultural plus natural framework).

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what is your average productivity per week ? /human-resources/what-is-your-average-productivity-per-week/ Tue, 09 Sep 2008 15:42:43 +0000 /?p=62

Most of Nepal’s urban workforce have to work 6 days a week in Nepal.
I seriously doubt if our productivity is more than 2 days.  I feel  a significant part of Kathmandu operates in super slow motion.
It just means most of us think work not as a passion but as a job, not as a learning, but as a requirement.

Time to change your job or find something in your job that translates into passion and pursue that otherwise you are not really helping yourself or others around you.

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in the age of the internet: remote work from home ! /human-resources/in-the-age-of-the-internet-remote-work-from-home/ /human-resources/in-the-age-of-the-internet-remote-work-from-home/#respond Tue, 05 Aug 2008 14:47:27 +0000 /?p=55

We are thinking of implementing a remote workplace where people work from their own homes /places and come together only when needed.

-few things to think about

Voice over IP system ( every worker has to be linked with at least 256kbps connection) and their special phone (or computer) acts as a communication tool. The server could be an “astreisk” open source VOIP system in linux. (free)

A special online time log system which logs time for your projects and makes you basically efficient.
(we are still trying to find one which suits our purpose).

Everyone has to have a backup system for electricity outages (which is notorious in Nepal.) Recommend usage for laptops.

An online project management system such as the free open source ProjectPier system.

An online client invoicing system (such as Freshbooks).

and every employee gets paid directly to their bank account.


Don’t forget to add more suggestions !!!

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