Whynepal.com » social media http://www.whynepal.com Nepal doesn't need to change. We do. Fri, 02 Sep 2011 11:23:17 +0000 en hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v= Are you doing or just supporting-suggesting-talking /social-media/areyoudoing/ /social-media/areyoudoing/#comments Sun, 14 Aug 2011 03:45:13 +0000 Ujwal /?p=2575 Continue reading ]]> In any social media platform, there are various actions you can do.

• If someone wrote on a social media platform like Facebook, on how some-one is to blame for Nepal’s problem, maybe 100 will reply back… (I term this TALKING)

• If some one wrote here asking for advice on what to do next ? 50 people will reply back with suggestions (this is SUGGESTING)

• If someone wrote on a platform, asking for others to join an event to protest, fewer than 5 people reply back saying either they will, or won’t. (this is actually Supporting)

• If some one actually turns up for the event and helps you, that’s what I call DOING !

So are you going to talk, suggest, show your support or actually DO ?
Which action are you doing today ?

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