Here are a few lessons I learnt while running my online branding & web development firm Digital Max Solutions (DMS) in Nepal for nearly 10 years now. Some of the lessons are site specific and technology start-up specific. Enjoy!
- Be directly, personally responsible to the client. Otherwise chances of success in your project is low.
- Ensure quality yourself. If you personally don’t do quality checks on your products or services, make sure the person who does it, has your 100% trust. (Otherwise it will come back to haunt you)
- Delegate but teach. If you delegate project communication to your developer (employee), teach him/her exactly how, what, why and when to communicate.
- Train your employees. Do not expect them to solely learn by their own or by internet. Understand the concept first, yourself.
- Employees value what they can learn from you personally. Substituting respect from them by friendship with them, may not work.
- Repeat yourself. Over-communicate. Your employees may not understand the first time around. This happens often. Ask them to paraphrase (To repeat what they understood.)
- Client is always right (but only at the end). Do ask them a lot of questions before the project starts. Over-communicate. Have written approvals from clients on exact requirements before starting. If something goes wrong at the end, blame yourself.
- Believe in numbers when confused. Make sure you record and then pull up past project history, client history, project hours, efficiency etc regularly. Track everything!
- Lead by example. Change yourself first. Learn yourself first. Show them yourself first. Learn first (if its technology you want the company to adopt.)
- Groom people with exceptional attitude. If you find such a person in your team, help them, mentor them, train them and partner with them; i.e groom them to lead. They will return in kind (and more). Don’t worry about them leaving. You reap, what you sow.
- Always decide. Don’t “decide not to decide” or leave it for fate to decide for you. Your in-decision will turn into sleep-less nights for you. (I am guilty of this myself)
- Fail fast. Let your team experiment with a lot of ideas but make sure you do it small. This way you can fail fast. And if you succeed, you have a new way to generate revenue 🙂 !
I am also learning it. I am following many of them especially 1,2,4,7 and 12