Tag Archives: ideas

positive news media

Is there a niche market for “positive” media in Nepal?

In Nepal, every news (newspaper, online, TV, radio and other media) veers towards negative. Scan the newspapers, turn on your television. You will get plenty of proof. Why? Believe me when I say, it is not because there are not positive stories, personalities or work being done now. There are plenty! but media sanitzes us by feeding us sensationalized news, negative and gossip.

Amidst all this doom and gloom (or so it seems), here is my analysis.  There is a great opportunity for an all positive news” media.  An empowering media which lists current events that are positive and have potential to inspire us .

We could do with more positive stories of:

rags to riches stories of Nepali
social entrepreneurs success and failures
street entrepreneurs of urban centers
risk-takers in different professions
community activists stories
Community successes
discussion transcripts between youths on sociopolitical issues
mentor-ship events
Networking events and fund-raisers.
stories of Nepali uniting with each other on community to international level
adventure stories in Nepal
Nepali traveling in Nepal.

Add more to this list!
A Nepali positive news media anyone ?

Stay small, think big in Nepal

When one wants to start a new venture (especially the youths in Nepal) , I recommend this :

a) Do what you like to do. (seriously!).
b) Stay small (as small as you can as much as possible.) Reasons, managing people and the environment around us specially in Nepal, is one of the hardest thing to do. It drains our creative energies and refocuses our energies to mundane tasks of administering, managing and whim of other’s emotions.
c) Instead, improve your own image (brand, value, worth) by carving out a niche and concentrating on becoming the best at that niche. i.e if you are the best at making “circular breads” and enjoy making it, stick to it and become the best at it. You will find enough loyal customers as you build your brand.
d) Stay small, think big . concentrate on how you or you and your small team can think big while staying small. You make a bigger impact this way. Don’t let that ego of you persuade you otherwise.

So if you are looking for a job, join a one person company, if not, join a small organization and enjoy the ups and downs ! It’s good for your health.

And join this group I co-founded, Entrepreneurs for Nepal, a network made of more than 3000 young, creative entrepreneurs, who have ideas and want to carry out it in Nepal. It speeds up chances of success by credibly connecting entrepreneurs to success.

Entrepreneurs for Nepal ideas

here is something I posted on the Facebook group page of ” Entrepreneurs for Nepal” some time ago, and elaborated since here:

Random ideas that will jump-start our economic revolution. Some Immediate steps.

  • Have to recruit younger technocrats and remove the old ones from the National planning commission and finance and related ministries.
  • Set up YEL = Youth Entrepreneur’s league (new body with powerful access to private and state banks).
  • Zero % tax on hydro power Generation and tourism. (Logic: mass employment generation)
  • Information Technology Communication and related Licenses at no costs. (Talent generation and utilization)
  • Nepal = Zero Tax center for foreign investments for 10 years. (inward investment flow and job creation)
  • BOOT model (build own operate transfer in infrastructure development and creating jobs more than 100 people).
  • 10% flat tax on all things else ( ALL THINGS). This encourages tax payment which overwhelming majority of people /companies in the country strive to avoid, right now).
  • Permanent residence (or Nepal Citizenship, if you have guts) for people investing more than a million dollars in Nepal.

You want wonders.. better start revamping the place.
otherwise no more promises to make switzerland out of nepal.

If Maoists are smart, they will see how China is playing out, and act like them. Total Focus on Economy. Their politics survives on the economic revolution Now.

otherwise we can only hope for a 2 % growth again and again (which will be eaten up the huge double digit inflation). 15 years ago, I ate Samosas at 3 rupees each at Tiptop. Now it is 16 rupees each.

Be prepared for another change…or one big repression after another !