Technology, environment, common sense


A self reflection:

  • Technology
  • Common sense,
  • Lastly, Environment
I believe in these 3 systems to evolve myself. To trying to balance and enhance ourselves through the synergy of these:

I accept technology to be an efficient tool to enhance and to spread the knowledge. Using these, I continue to educate myself and to provoke others to change and follow their dreams.  Technology makes me efficient and hopefully wiser. It is not a fad or the latest tools or apps or gadgets or materials. It is pure knowledge, It is access. It brings us all closer to collaborate better.  It enables me to enhance my impact to my environment. I strive to take care of the environment (social, natural and economic). Depending on the environment (eco-system) we make, or mold, we suffer or smile.

To take care of the environment, I believe, you have to be the change you want to see around. And everyday is a grind. By sharpening my common sense knowledge, I forge a way to move ahead in these difficult times. Sounds simple yet common sense is not common to me. Everyday I contradict myself yet become persistent in my effort to forge ahead to change the environment without compromising on the ideals.

Common sense use of technology = Wisdom

Wisdom enables to make better environments, eco-systems

Better Environments keep us sane


What about you ? what do you rely on ?

3 thoughts on “Technology, environment, common sense

  1. good arguement Sonia :)rnrnthe intent matters. Not just preaching but actually following your preachingrnyourself..which our politicians don’t seem to.rnrnYes, technology is a tool. It is a good servant, maybe a bad master.

  2. Your thought is right but i think that knowledge is not only inside technology. knowledge come also from mind and from will to know.nknowledge come also from trust, from reliancenknowledge come from open mind that want and can understand the important of technologynknowledge grows and develops, also thanks to technology, where governement wants and can invest on it.nWhen governement is not able, for reason direct or indirect, people must open the mind and roll up their sleeves.nUn last days Khanal said that Nepal must develop the agricolture and energy resources because the industry is in crisis too.nBut he said also that, in that bad moment, Nepal’s governement is not able to provide around economic development program nSo that nepali must roll up their sleeves and provide alone using technology, knoowledge, enviroment and confidence in their ability

  3. Your thought is right but i think that knowledge is not only inside technology. knowledge come also from mind and from will to know.nknowledge come also from trust, from reliancenknowledge come from open mind that want and can understand the important of technologynknowledge grows and develops, also thanks to technology, where governement wants and can invest on it.nWhen governement is not able, for reason direct or indirect, people must open the mind and roll up their sleeves.nUn last days Khanal said that Nepal must develop the agricolture and energy resources because the industry is in crisis too.nBut he said also that, in that bad moment, Nepal’s governement is not able to provide around economic development program nSo that nepali must roll up their sleeves and provide alone using technology, knoowledge, enviroment and confidence in their ability

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