Were you there ? It was an amazing experience. Let me know your thoughts. Seems like we
do unite to listen to unique events and persons.
Here is a question I am curious to get your thoughts on:
What else would you unite for besides Bryan Adams ?
Enjoy the video !
Another one.
Thanks Nishant. Excellent points. Yes Movements should be branded as the hip “passionate” action to take in a country where 2 out of 3 Nepalis are under 35 years. (50% under 20, 80% under 40)
This may have been a case of ‘uniqueness’ because it was the first concert of an internationally recognized popstar. It may also have resulted from a ‘cool’ factor. Getting together with your friends to have fun at an excellently organized concert by a singer that makes you nostalgic is cool. nOther Example: The use of social media and texts meant that both ‘uniqueness’ and ‘cool’ were present in the May 2010 movement So, make political/social activism look ‘cool’ and ‘unique’ and they will come.