A leadership that does not prepare cannot govern.

A version of this article appeared at Nepal’s national daily Myrepublica

A leadership that does not prepare cannot govern. The importance of preparing was realized when we rushed to Teaching Hospital less than 30 minutes after the massive quake  of 7.8 richter scale at 11:56 am in Nepal. Everyone and everything seemed to be in utter chaos.

During a calamity of this size, BibekSheel Nepali party had built a clear protocol. It states that the first thing any BibekSheel Nepali party member is expected to do after checking upon their families is to go to the nearest hospital and help the authorities there manage the chaos. We did what we had been taught to do. We immediately set up a help desk to handle the rush of thousands of injured and panicked citizens.

We started helping the doctors and nurses ferry the ones still fighting for their lives and the dead. There was an immediate shortage of emergency medicines so right there and then, we started raising money. Every Nepali we asked gave! None held back. With the nearly Rs 100,000 raised, we opened up closed medical shops, bought the medicines which the medical practitioners used

Continue reading A leadership that does not prepare cannot govern.

12 ways you can help Nepal (post Earthquake)


Here are 12 ways  you can help Nepal stand up on its foot quickly and with dignity! (& Build Nepal 2.0)

1) Everyone: Make a solemn pledge to yourself, “I am #withNepal”.
2) Travelers: Organize your family/friends trip inside Nepal this Fall (Autumn).
3) Entrepreneurs: Work with super-talented IT business / freelancers of Nepal.
4) Sports organizers: Organize an International Football / Cricket competition in Nepal.
5) Musicians: Organize one “I am #withNepal” concert of international music bands in Pokhara, Nepal this autumn.
6) Investors: Build long term business incubators.
7) Educators: Support to start a “21st century leadership building academy.” By god, we need this in Nepal!
8) Mayors: Adopt a Village (Make a devastated village/town – your sister village/town).
9) Donors: demand local elections in #Nepal immediately. Local Governance is the “key”.
10) World Financiers: Please open “payment gateways” like paypal in Nepal. Make it affordable for now. (you will instantly create thousands of self-employed Nepalis)
11) Activists: Build tools to support activists to bring transparency in each aid

Continue reading 12 ways you can help Nepal (post Earthquake)

Earthquake relief effort: Contact your district’s government officials: Phone number। स्थानीय जिल्लाका पदाधिकारीका नम्बरमा कल गरौँ

Numbers of responsible government officials in districts

काठमाडौँ उपत्यका बाहिरको भुकम्प पिडित उद्दार  नेपाल सरकारका यी सचिबहरुले नेतृत्व गर्ने छन्। यी कर्मचारीले स्थानीय निकाय, राजनीतिक दलहरु, नीजि क्षेत्र र नागरिक समाजसँग समन्वय गर्छन्।

जिल्ला —- मुल सरकारी प्रतिनिधि —- सम्पर्क
धादिंग —- शारदा प्रसाद त्रितल —- ९८४११११३२३
काभ्रे —- जीवनप्रभा लामा—- ९८४१४९१७२१
नुवाकोट—- अनुप कुमार उपाध्यय —- ९८४१०५४१८२
रसुवा—- गुनराज श्रेष्ठ —- ९८४१३५३०४५
सिन्धुपाल्चोक—- मधु प्रसाद रेग्मी —- ९८४१५५२९४३
दोलखा —- गजेन्द्र ठाकुर —- ९८४१७४३००५
रामेछाप—- विश्णु प्रसाद लम्साल —- ९८५११३२०४५
सिन्धुली —- रमेश कुमार शर्मा —- ९८५१०२९६०१
गोर्खा —- नरेन्द्र मान श्रेष्ठ —- ९८५१०५४४४०
मकवानपुर—- नर बहादुर राजवर —- ९८४१३३९२९२


म त एक आम नेपाली… मलाई के फाइदा डक्टर केसीको सत्याग्रहले?

govinda kc thumbs upम त एक आम नेपाली हुँ । मलाई के न फाइदा हुन्छ र डक्टर केसीको सत्याग्रहले?

सायद यस्तै सोच अहिले तपाईँ अनि लाखौँ नेपालीको मनमा घुमिरहेकोछ होला। यो स्वभाविकै  हो। जताततै निराशाले छाएको अवस्थामा यसको उत्तर प्रष्टसँग पाउन गाह्रो पनि छ। तपाईंले खोजेको प्रश्ट उत्तर पाउन  पहिलेतपाईं आफैले यी केही प्रश्नहरुको जवाफ खोज्नै पर्छ।

१) के तपाईंलाई अस्पतालबाट क्लिनिक ‘रिफर’ गरिएको छ ?

२) के तपाईंलाई डक्टरले  हतार-हतारमा जाँची धपाएको छ ?

३) के तपाईंलाई अाफ्नो जाँच रिपोर्ट एउटा डक्टरमा पत्यार नलागी फरक फरक डक्टरलाई देखाउनु परेको छ ?

४) के तपाईंले मनमनै कुनै अस्पताललाई “ठग” भन्नु भएको छ ?

५) के तपाईंलाई कहिले डक्टरबाट फर्कदा गोजी नै रित्तिएको अनुभव भा छ ?

६) के तपाईंलाई अामा-बा बिरामी हुँदा “त्यो खेतबारी बेच्नु पर्छ कि क्या हो” जस्ता सोच जागेको छ ?

७) के तपाईंलाई “नेपालमा त अब भरै लागेन बरु दिल्ली, लखनऊ नै लग्नु पर्छ कि क्यो हो ?” जस्तो भा छ ?

८) के तपाईंलाई “ त्यो अस्पताल त जानै नपरोस् बरु झाँक्री/ बैधेबाटै निको पार्छु” भन्ने प्रण गर्नु भा छ

Continue reading म त एक आम नेपाली… मलाई के फाइदा डक्टर केसीको सत्याग्रहले?