Ideas on Nepal while looking from neighboring India

When we are inside Nepal for a long time, some times we may not see the solutions to our problems here as clearly as we could, from outside.

Last month, I was on a personal pilgrimage to neighboring India in Varanasi (Kashi) and Bodh Gaya. While traveling, I pondered upon the situation of Nepal from India. Here are some of the thoughts I wrote up there:

1) Indians are busy with their lives, like the rest of the world. All they seem to want is to become prosperous. While many Nepalis are obsessed with Indian interference, we have to realize this simple fact that everyone loves prosperity. Moral of the story for us is : lets concentrate on becoming prosperous (along with our neighbors).

2) One man Siddhartha Gautam Buddha, nearly 2600 years ago taught such lessons that people are still following today. When are we here in Nepal learn that we too could be someone as provoking as him? When are we willing to stop following like sheep and start to lead on our own paths like Buddha did?

3) Buddha taught the middle way. We Nepalis seem to be pulled by right-wing and Left-wing extremists  Time to bring Nepalis back to

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नेपाल हाम्रो घर हो, डेरा होईन

नेपाल हाम्रो घर हो, डेरा होईन
कुनै घरमा डेरा गरेर बस्नु र त्यसैको मालिक हुनुमा नितांत फरक छ।
यदि त्यो घरको भित्ताहरु चर्कियो भने डेरा वाला लाई वास्ता हुँदैन, उ त सजिलै अर्को घरमा सर्न सक्छ।
तर घर मालिकलाई थाहा छ कि आफ्‌नो घरको हेरचाह आफै गर्नुपर्छ, अरु कोहि आउनेवाला छैन ।
त्यसैले उ आफैले त्यस घरको भित्ता टाल्दछ।

४ मध्य ३ नेपालीहरु तपाईँ-हामी जस्तै युवा हौँ।
समस्या यत्ति हो कि हामीले चाहिँ देशलाई डेरा ठानेका छौँ।
हामीले अघिल्लो पुस्तालाई यो देश बरबाद गर्न दिएका छौँ । उनीहरुको झगडामा हामीलाई कठपुतली बनाउन दिएका छौँ।
“तिमीहरुले यो देश कहाँ हाँक्न सक्छौ?”
उनीहरुका यस्ता बकुम्फुसे गफ वारम्बार पत्याएर आफैलाई उल्लु बनाउन दिएका छौँ।
उनीहरुलाई यो देश लुट्न दिएका छौँ।

अहिले हामी कोहो रक्सीको चुस्कीमा लुकेका छौँ त कोहो आफ्‍नो धर्म वा समाजको बन्धनमा।
कोहि हामी ईन्टरनेटमा सिमित छौँ त चिया गफमै।
यो सोच्दैछौँ कि कुनै दिन यो नेपाल भास्सिएर बिलाँउछ अनि बल्ल नया नेपालमा हामी जान पाँउनेछौँ।

आफु घर भित्र

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Hating is not enough. Build an alternate.

We Nepalis hate our existing political parties/forces. Politics (with its current politicians) has failed miserably. But Hating them is not going to be enough. If you just stick to hating, it only hurts you and you alone. If hating is all we can do, then we do deserve the situation we have now.

And all the while, we keep waiting for another Mandela or Gandhi or Buddha to come and save us all. There is nothing wrong in hoping for salvation. But ‘wishing’ and ‘acting upon’ are two distinct choices you have now. If you want to get out of this quagmire, help build an alternative to these existing political forces/parties.

For a minute, think back to your high school class mates. How many of them are in politics now? If the answer is none or close to zero, then maybe its time for you to join politics or support a promising political force passionately. There is an african proverb.

“If you are not part of the solution, then you are part of the problem”

It is urgent we get out of our comfort zone. Hating is never going to be enough! Time now to nurture every

Continue reading Hating is not enough. Build an alternate.

Plan A or Plan B

Plan A: Mind your business and stay silent.

By doing so, Nepal bandhs will keep happening. Load-shedding will only increase. Foods will keep getting expensive. Youths will keep leaving the country. Your daily news will be full of political, economic, social failures.
Existing political forces will win every upcoming elections. They will keep up their stranglehold on power and slowly bring the country into ruins. You will try to run away from the country or stay here and accept slavery to survive or for your family’s sake.

Plan B: If you can’t find an alternative, Become an alternative.

Plan B involves building or supporting alternatives. How about joining or building positive political forces of our generation that will dare to uproot these existing incompetent political forces who are holding us back. or become an entrepreneur or public servant?

I am one part of Plan B.  I am helping build a political force “BibekSheel Nepali” with many other Nepalis of our generation. I am investing my everything into this cause.  Join us in making a peaceful, prosperous Nepal.

So, my friend, it is time for you to choose in Nepal. Is it going to

Continue reading Plan A or Plan B

हिँजो आज को ठुलो ?

हिँजो आज को ठुलो ? भ्रष्टाचार बिरुद्ध आमरण अनसनमा बस्दै गरेकी छिन् नेपाली शारदा भुषाल झा । उहाँलाई भेट्न रत्नपार्क – शान्ति बाटिका जाँ़ आजै कुनै पनि बेला। आज दिन ८।
सुन्नुहोस् भ्रष्टाचार बिरुद्धको यो कविता उहाँकै शब्दमा

हिँजो आज को ठुलो?
ईमान्दार भन्दा बेईमान ठुलो
जनता भन्दा नेता ठुलो
सत्ता भन्दा भत्ता ठुलो
शासन भन्दा भाषण ठुलो
बिकास भन्दा नारा ठुलो
हिँजो आज को ठुलो?

राहत भन्दा आश्वाशन ठुलो
रासन भन्दा कमिशन ठुलो
भुस भन्दा घुस ठुलो
घाँटी भन्दा गाँस ठुलो
मेला भन्दा माढ ठुलो
माढ भन्दा जाँड ठुलो
हिँजो आज को ठुलो?

साधु भन्दा चोर ठुलो
व्यापार भन्दा भाउ ठुलो
काम भन्दा तर्क ठुलो
कमाई भन्दा खर्च ठुलो
लठ्ठी भन्दा भट्टी ठुलो
खाँचो भन्दा खाँचो ठुलो
हिँजो आज को ठुलो?

गुरु भन्दा चेला ठुलो
माउ भन्दा चल्ला ठुलो
पढ्नु भन्दा चोर्नु ठुलो
जोर्नु भन्दा फोर्नु ठुलो
निर्माण भन्दा नाज ठुलो
शान्ति भन्दा अल्लाह (धर्म) ठुलो
हिँजो आज को ठुलो?

धर्म भन्दा पाप ठुलो
खान लगाउनको चाप ठुलो
स्वर्ग भन्दा नर्ग ठुलो

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