This new year I wish you’ll steal, starve & die (12 wishes for you)


Bhaktapur panaroma Nyatpola Nepal

Here are 12 hopes and wishes for you and near-dear ones, this coming year!  (नेपालीमा यहाँ पढ्नुहोला)

This coming year, I wish you will…

1) … Steal more. Steal more time for yourself to reflect, pause and to try to understand why you are here, what makes you happy.

2) … Break some rules. Break the norms set by others, the society, the critics or the lizard brain who tell you what you should do and should not. Just follow your inner conscience. May this be your moral compass.

3) … Pick a few fights. Fight against “small”  injustices that you see around everyday. For example, how about fighting to enforce that nagging traffic rule violations or that trash throwing on the street culture (in your town).

4) … Be garlanded with shoes or hit with rotten tomatoes. Dare to do something disruptive, that scares the people who cling to things as they are or to dogma. Let them humiliate you, scare you, threaten you. Stand steadfast against their desperate measures.  Know that when they seek to humiliate you like

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Don’t be stupid.

If you make derogatory remark in Facebook, you are being plain stupid. I see many Nepalis using for example the word “Dhoti” or “धोती” carelessly. You may think you are being ‘cool’. For your knowledge, Social media, i.e Facebook, remembers long after you make such a comment, and this will come back to haunt you in the future. How ?

What you say in Facebook becomes part of your resume now 🙂 Think hard how you want to present yourself. Say what you mean, Mean what you say. In the long run, Social media rewards authenticity, punishes hype and promotion.

The 1st and most important rule of Social media is:
“Don’t be stupid.”

पत्रकारिता, सोसल मिडिया र नेपालमा सकारात्मक सामाजिक परिवर्तनको सम्भावना

यो सारंश हो करिब १०० जना पत्रकार साथीहरु माझमा सोसल मिडियाको उपयोग बारे बोलेका कुराकानीको।
मुल प्रश्न थियो – पत्रकार साथीहरुले किन सोसल मिडिया अँगाल्नु हुन्न?

सोसल मिडिया भनेको एउटा यस्तो संचार माध्यम हो जसले हजारौँ सँग एकै चोटि दोहोरो वार्तालाप गर्न सकिन्छ। पहिले एक जनासँग वार्तालाप गर्न उसको ढोका ढक्ढक्याउनु पर्थ्यौ भने अहिले सोसल मिडियाको माध्यमले एकैचोटी हजारौँ ढोकाहरु आफ्नै कोठाबाट ढक्ढक्याउन सक्ने बनेको छ।  अहिले संसारमा सोसल मिडिया धेरै अहम भुमिका खेलिरहेको छ । १ अर्ब भन्दा मानिस यसको प्रयोग गर्छन् , धेरै जसो दिनहुँ । यसले नेपालमा पनि ठुलो फड्को मारेको छ। अहिले १३ लाख नेपालीहरु फेसबुक भन्ने एउटा सोसल मिडियाको एक प्रबिधि प्रयोग गर्छन् । यो संख्या केवल ६ महिनामा ३ लाखको दरले बढेको छ। करिब ६९% पुरूष छन् भने ३१% महिला छन् । अन्य सोसल मिडिया टुलहरु हुन् टुईटर, युटुब, लिंक्ड ईन, किकस्टार्टर, वोर्डप्रेस र सयौँ अरु छन् अहिले। 

Responsible Citizens + Accountable Leaders = Prosperous Nation

Responsible Citizens + Accountable leaders = Prosperous Nation

Responsible Citizens = Citizens who feel it is their own responsibility to change their neighborhood and their environment. The more fortunate ones have the moral duty to lead this change. Responsible citizens change themselves first. Then they change their neighbors. They create and support a system that rewards responsibility. They are provokers who propose alternate solutions (केहि गरौँ, मेरो देश, मेरै दायित्व” kind) unlike critics who are usually cynics (doubters, complainers यस्तै हो, केहि हुन्न kind).

Accountable Leaders = Leaders who are answerable to those who put them in positions of influence. They find the time and energy to answer questions posed by citizens of their country and help remove negativity in the society. Accountable leaders hold their attitude, behavior, life-style to the highest standards demanded of any leadership. They usually would make a lot of mistakes but are more than willing to learn and rectify again and again. If they don’t know the way, they will not get in the way (for others).

Prosperous Nation = A nation where each family is prosperous enough to feed, educate and care enough. A prosperous nation believes in sustaining

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Travel to basecamp of one of the tallest mountains in the world (ABC trek)

I hope this guide inspires you to do the beautiful Annapurna Base camp trek (also known as the Annapurna Sanctuary trek or simply ABC ). We decided to trek up to the Annapurna Base Camp, in Western Nepal in October when the skies are clear and the weather is warm.  This trek is also called the Annapurna Sanctuary trek. It takes you to the heart, the valley of the 8000 meter mountains. And the perfect time to there is after the monsoons and before the onset of Winter, so the skies are very clear while being warm enough and before snow and ice makes it treacherous to trek near the base camps.  But as a traveler I also dread this time because of the crowds of tourists wh all also want to enjoy the perfect weather just like I do. But we decided to take the risk, as clear weather and scenery was worth the human distractions.

Day 1: Kathmandu (1300m) to Pokhara (850m) to Birenthanthi

The long distance public transportation in Nepal is notorious for being un-timely, crowded, dangerously driven, and full of unwelcome surprises on the road. I suggest you take the half an hour flight to Pokhara if

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