recruiting / hiring Archives • /topics/hiring/ Thu, 11 Jun 2020 10:20:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 /wp-content/uploads/cropped-tumpak-whynepal-logo-e1363328285738-32x32.png recruiting / hiring Archives • /topics/hiring/ 32 32 How to find some-one’s strengths (talent)? कसैको प्रतिभा थाहा पाउनको लागि ५ सुत्र /hiring/finding-talents/ /hiring/finding-talents/#comments Wed, 05 Dec 2012 04:14:29 +0000 /?p=7028 To a new person, instead of asking, “what do you do?” why don’t you ask “what do you love to do?”

Five Clues to finding a person’s Talent:


To find out the person’s “Yearning”, Ask, “What do you know you can do well, but haven’t yet done?” or, “If you had an entire week of your calendar open up and couldn’t work on previous commitments, what would you spend your time doing?”


To help learn what gives others satisfaction, Ask, “What sorts of activities do you finish and think, ‘I can’t wait to do that again’?” or, “What are you doing (at work or at play) when you’re truly enjoying yourself?”

Rapid Learning:

To shed light on these pathways, consider asking about a person’s learning. “What have you done well that you didn’t need explained?” or, “What activities do you execute naturally, but struggle to break down into steps for others?”

Glimpses of Excellence

Find out their glimpses of excellence by asking, “What have other people told you you’re great at doing?” or, “In your previous experience, what were you known for doing well?”

 Total Performance Excellence

Simply ask about times when all the pieces fell together. Do this by asking, “What are

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Be ready for anything!!! /hiring/be-ready-for-anything/ /hiring/be-ready-for-anything/#respond Thu, 25 Dec 2008 20:12:22 +0000 /?p=77

to quote Seth,

“be ready for anything”

makes perfect sense when you are in Nepal right now.

see link…

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Top ten challenges with human resources in Nepal /hiring/top-ten-frustrations-with-human-resources-in-my-company/ /hiring/top-ten-frustrations-with-human-resources-in-my-company/#comments Sun, 20 Jul 2008 17:55:08 +0000 /?p=47 So here is a  list of challenges faced while managing associates while running Digital Max Solutions, a Website development company and an online branding firm.

1) People take the job as a training first – execution of their responsibilities second(they are less inclined to feel responsible for their jobs). So tell them bluntly about this distinction when you hire them.

2) Competent manpower are hard to retain for more than a year. Expect short term. Build for mid term, hope for long term. Try calling employees —> associates. Show them you mean that. It may make all the difference.

3) Some people work hard to impress you during the early months of their career with you, and then once they win your trust, start slacking off noticeably (intentionally /unintentionally). So build regular incentive packages and compare their contribution with new people regularly (through statistics, earnings etc)

4) In Kathmandu, you would have to invest most of your resources on infrastructure management, insurance and backup/security of the infrastructure, leaving not much resources for human resources trainings and career development. The only option here is build environment where they can learn

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A formula for business success: /hiring/a-formula-for-business-success/ /hiring/a-formula-for-business-success/#respond Fri, 23 May 2008 17:23:45 +0000 /?p=38 So in summary:

Best Working Environment >>> >Best Workers >>> Best Product (or Service) >>>> Best chance for sustained Profit !!!

this pretty much sums it all for what i want to say for business success.

btw.. if you think i missed ” the Best idea“, No i didn’t. Its good if you have an excellent idea, but doesn’t have to be a pre-requisite. Execution is the real deal.

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so you think you are special… /hiring/so-you-think-you-are-special/ /hiring/so-you-think-you-are-special/#respond Mon, 17 Mar 2008 15:38:49 +0000 /?p=29 So you think you are special??

Here is a thought: On your next job application….

Don’t. Just don’t.

Instead: (As Seth godin writes and I wholly endorse it)

“How about three extraordinary letters of recommendation from people the employer knows or respects?
Or a sophisticated project they can see or touch?
Or a reputation that precedes you?
Or a blog that is so compelling and insightful that they have no choice but to follow up? “

as usual 🙂 check out Seth article…its his idea. i wholly endorse it.

I get a lot of my inspiration from “this wise guy”.

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