Category Archives: inspiration

various articles of inspiration to me and possibly to a lot of Nepal. Includes a lot of positive stories from Nepal !

हामी पहिले नेपाली हौँ

हामी कसैको बाबुआमा होलौँ, त कसैको सन्तान, कसैको शिक्षक वा बिधार्थी होलौँ, कोई काँग्रस वा मावोवादी होलौँ, कोई मधिशे वा पहाडि होलौँ, कोई घुस खाने त कोई दिने होलौँ, कोई गाली गर्ने वा गाली सहने होलौँ, कहिले राम्रो होलौँ त कहिले नराम्रो होलौँ ।

जे भए पनि हामी पहिले नेपाली नै हौँ।

जब सम्म हामी नेपालीहरु एक आपसलाई बिश्वास गर्न थाल्दैनौ र एक जुट हुन्नौ, हाम्रो कुनै आत्मसम्मान रहन्न। हामी नेपाली एक भएर आगाडि बढे के गर्न सकिन्न र?

Unity-with-diversity-low quality

Tomorrow I am not giving up on Nepal

What is going to happen in Nepal, tomorrow? or in 3 months ?

I will still wake up, around the same time, and smell the same cool, calm, fresh air in the morning, like I did today morning. Tomorrow, I will still be hungry to grab my food, and focus on what my family is going through and how to bring smiles in their faces. I will still obsess about how to make their lives better. AND I will still be angry and distracted after reading the morning news, wondering how the heck do I protect my future in the poorly managed Nepal.

As I head out the door, I will stay confused trying to figure out how to become a solution, instead of being part of a problem. How do I, a single Nepali in this vast sea of discontent, transform this gloomy, negative skies I walk around, into a positive sunshine? How do I walk high with dignity despite all these burning rage I feel?

Tomorrow, like today, I continue to spend my day, taking care of my family, making my family proud. I continue to make sure, that I live in peace and in safety here. I will continue to believe in and protect my freedom to do what I want in my country, without hurting any other person. No matter the cost, I will continue to protect this birth-right. When others see no progress, or slow progress, I will simply tell them, “I am a long distance marathon runner, not a hundred meter sprinter.”

And as the day moves ahead, I will keep looking around for Nepali with common sense to work with, to make this a place I want to live in. Any one who believes that, “This is my country, therefore my responsibility”. I will continue to feed my inner conscience with positive deeds that inspires others, when ever I get a small opportunity Come tomorrow, I continue searching others who wants to bear this collective responsibility to unite Nepalis and make us all prosperous.

And when I will come back home tired, I will have traveled a bit further, a bit stronger, bit wiser perhaps. Just before I sleep, I will again repeat at myself in front of the mirror, “I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul, and I am here to make a difference.

And when I go to sleep with my family safely around me, I will still dream, and dream big; “Tomorrow, I ain’t giving up on Nepal. Tomorrow, I start again; stronger!


38 Life Lessons I’ve Learned in 38 Years

No I am not 38 yet :)
Today I leave you with these thoughts written by someone I get inspiration from, Leo Babauta.  Happy birthday Leo. Enjoy the link below.

Here is an excerpt, if you wanted to know what Leo is talking about…

1. Always swallow your pride to say you’re sorry. Being too proud to apologize is never worth it — your relationship suffers for no good benefit.

2. Possessions are worse than worthless — they’re harmful. They add no value to your life, and cost you everything. Not just the money required to buy them, but the time and money spent shopping for them, maintaining them, worrying about them, insuring them, fixing them, etc.

3. Slow down. Rushing is rarely worth it. Life is better enjoyed at a leisurely pace.

4. Goals aren’t as important as we think. Try working without them for a week. Turns out, you can do amazing things without goals. And you don’t have to manage them, cutting out on some of the bureaucracy of your life. You’re less stressed without goals, and you’re freer to choose paths you couldn’t have foreseen without them.

5. The moment is all there is. All our worries and plans about the future, all our replaying of things that happened in the past — it’s all in our heads, and it just distracts us from fully living right now. Let go of all that, and just focus on what you’re doing, right at this moment. In this way, any activity can be meditation….

(and here is 33 more)….

My wishes for you this Nepali new year 2068

Here are my wishes for you in  this coming 2068 Bikram Sambat (Nepali year).

I hope in 2068, you will steal more. Steal more time for yourself to reflect, pause and to try to understand why you are here, what makes you happy.

I hope in 2068, you will break some rules. Break the norms set by others, the society, the mobs or the lizard brain who tell you what you should do and should not. Follow your inner conscience. May this be your moral compass.

I hope in 2068, you will pick a few fights. Fight against “small”  injustices that you see around everyday (maybe on your way to work). Fight to enforce that nagging traffic rule problem that you hated, perhaps (in your city).

I hope in 2068, you will be garlanded with shoes or hit with tomatoes. Dare to do something disruptive, that scares the people who cling to status quo or to dogma. Let them humiliate you since they are scared that you are going to win. These are just desperate measures.  Know that when they seek to humiliate you as such, you are closest to winning.

I hope in 2068, you will contemplate death regularly. To accept every day that you are eventually going to die,  makes you realize what your true priorities in life are. What would you prioritize, if  you only had a month more?

I hope in 2068, you will sell your house and your couch and travel! Our dependence on our material belongings in life has handicapped us. With this money, have the guts to go round the world with some one you care about. Take the year off. I hear, PhD’s on life are often learned on such journeys. After all that’s the only PhD worth caring about, isn’t it ? Mastering life.

I hope in 2068, you will go hungry and become wealthy. Show your will by simply getting back in shape or resolve go on a hunger strike for a worthy cause. Your health is your wealth. And your community’s health is also your wealth.

I hope in 2068, you will spend most of your savings. What for? For a new business or a venture, you finally decided to start. Help create jobs. Show the rest of the industry a better way to solve problems. Or decide to help organize a movement that will break cartels, segregation or corruption.

I hope in 2068, you splash all your (dirty-raw) thoughts into a blog or a diary for the world to see. Show the world your unique beauty with all your imperfections. Those who mind don’t matter, Those who matter, don’t mind.

I hope in 2068, you will decide to leave a big dent in the environment you live in. Isn’t your life worth leaving a footprint before you leave for ever? Ask yourself what sort of legacy are you leaving to your children. Change this environment before it scars you and your future.

I hope in 2068, you will die. Die the life you had led so far, following some one else’s way. And be re-born with the life you wanted to lead in your own way.

I hope, now you will steal some of these thoughts to share them with your near and dear ones.

All the best,

नेपाली उद्धमीहरुका केहि उपदेश

“म प्रयास नै नगरेको भनेर पछुताउनु भन्दा बरु गल्ती नै गर्छु ।”

प्रबल गुरुङ, अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय फेसन डिजाइनर

“पर्यटन सपनाको उद्योग हो। तपाईंले सपना देख्नुपर्दछ र त्यसलाई बेच्नुपर्दछ।”

कर्ण शाक्य, काठमाडौं गेस्ट हाउस

“सरकार आएर तिम्रो जीवनलाई सजिलो बनाउला भनेर नपर्ख र अपेक्षा पनि नगर। यो तिम्रो जीवन र तिम्रो देश हो। त्यसलाई बिगार्न नदेऊ।”

अम्बिका श्रेष्ट, अध्यक्ष, द्वारिकाज ग्रुप अफ होटेलस्

“नयाँ प्रविधिको अध्ययन गर्नुहोस् र यदि त्यसले आफ्ना आवश्यकताहरुलाई पुर्ति गर्ने भए त्यसलाई अँगाल्नुहोस्।”

आनन्द बगारिया, निम्बस समुह

“राम्रो वित्तीय अनुशासन लागु गर र केन्द्रित भएर काम गर।”

वीरेन्द्र बस्नेत, बुद्ध एयर

“नेपालमा काठमाडौं मात्रै एउटै सम्भाव्य बजार होइन ।”

किरणकृष्ण श्रेष्ठ, नेपालय

“चुनौती भनेको व्यवस्थालाई कसरी परिवर्तन गर्ने जसले गर्दा असल मान्छे र विचारहरुले सम्मान पाउँछन्। युवा पुस्तामा असल मान्छे तथा असल विचारलाई पहिचान गरी उनीहरुलाई समर्थन गरी व्यवस्था बदल्ने अभिभारा आएको छ।”

योगेन्द्रमान शाक्य, नेपाल पर्यटन वर्ष २०११

“तपाईं व्यवसायमा हरेक चरणमा सिर्जनात्मक भई आफ्ना समस्याको समाधान खोज्नुपर्दछ विशेषगरी नेपालमा जहाँ मानिसहरु नयाँ विचार तथा परिवर्तनप्रति त्यति विश्वास गर्दैनन्।”

अनिल चित्रकार, सामाजिक उद्यमी

“आफ्नो लागि काम गर्ने मानिसहरु व्यवसायका सबभन्दा महत्वपूर्ण सम्पति हुन्। सबै कामदारहरुसँग राम्रोसँग सम्बन्ध राख्नु जरुरी हुन्छ किनकि अहम भएको एकजनाले पनि कामको प्रवि्र्कयालाई बिगार्न सक्दछ।”

किरण भक्त जोशी, इनसेसेन्ट रेन एनिमेशन स्टुडियो,

“सबै प्रर्किया जान्नु आवश्यक छ तर सबैमा हात हाल्दा व्यवसायमा अव्यवस्था सिर्जना हुनसक्दछ। व्यवसाय विस्तार हुँदै जाँदा आफ्ना सहयोगीहरुलाई जिम्मेवारी हस्तान्तरण गर्न र उनीहरुलाई विश्वास गर्न सिक्नु आवश्यक हुन्छ।”

तासी सेर्पा, सेर्पा एडभेन्चर गिएर

“तौलिएर जोखिम उठाऊ र अरुको नक्कल गर्नुभन्दा आफै केही नयाँ कुरा सुरु गर किनकि नक्कल गर्ने व्यक्ति जहिले पनि जसको नक्कल गरिएको हो ऊभन्दा तल्लो स्तरको नै हुन्छ ।”

ज्ञानेन्द्रलाल प्रधान, हाइड्रो सोलुसन्स

“भर्खर उद्यम सुरु गरेको व्यक्तिले आवश्यक परेको बेलामा सबै किसिमको काम गर्न तयार हुनुपर्दछ।”

इच्छा बहादुर तामाँङ, सिभिल ग्रुप

“यदि आफुले सिर्जना गरेको सामानको गुणस्तरको बारेमा विश्वस्त छौ भने कोहीसँग पनि डराउनु पर्दैन।”

चन्द्र तिवारी, नीना एन्ड हेगर

“यो समय नै नेपालमा उद्यमी बन्नको लागि सबैभन्दा उत्तम समय हो।”

मीन बहादुर गुरुङ, भाटभटेनी सुपरमार्केट

तपाईँलाई यी उपदेशहरु मन परे अरु पनि छन्। यो नेपाली उद्दमी हातेपुस्तिका सित्तैमा डाउनलोड गर्नुहोस यहाँबाट –

धन्यवाद !