All posts by Ujwal

About Ujwal

I am an activist, entrepreneur and organic coffee farmer, provoking you to change Nepal. I spend all my time building platforms (eco-systems) for positive people to come together. Right now I am building 21st century relevant leaders for Nepal विवेकशील नेपाली दल ( - A political platform Entrepreneurs for Nepal ( DIE NEPAL BANDH DIE ( ( ( ( ( I live in Kathmandu, Nepal although i interact with people all over the world through the internet :) I am also co-founder of a entrepreneurs for Nepal group ( More in: /ujwal :) Uj

The “North-South” Doctrine: 21st century relevant foreign policy to build a prosperous Nepal by 2050

“By 2050 A.D, a “poor” Nepal will not survive between the two most prosperous, powerful nations on Earth.

To ‘exist’, Nepal must transform into a prosperous nation by then.”


नेपालीमा पढ्नु होला यहाँ  

Nepal center of the world map

By 2050 AD, Nepal’s northern neighbor China is projected to be the most prosperous nation in the world and India in the south is expected to become the 3rd most prosperous. Hence Nepal in between them, has an existential crisis and at the same time an immense opportunity.

Throughout its history, Nepal has delicately and pragmatically dealt with India and China to preserve its sovereignty. All successful nations tie their foreign policy closely with building their own prosperity by focusing on interdependence, multi-alliances and by responding (as opposed to reacting). On the contrary, since the last 20th century Nepal’s foreign policy has been a contradiction, swinging wildly between dependency

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कस्तो सिद्धान्तले २१ औं शताब्दीमा संमृद्ध नेपाल बनाउने शक्ति हाँक्नेछ?

ideology image pragmatic reforms

विवेकशील नेपालीको अध्ययन टोलीले दलको आरम्भ अगावै देखि नै ‘नेपालीको सपना के हो र त्यो कसरी हासिल हुन्छ?’ भन्ने प्रश्नको सेरोफेरोमा काम गर्दै अाएको छ। हामीले हिमाल देखि पहाड र फाँट सर्वत्र फैलिएका घरआँगन चहार्यौँ र विविध क्षेत्रका मानिसहरुको राय लियौँ। मुलुकबाहिर रहेका नेपालीहरुसंग पनि परामर्श गर्यौँ र तत्-पश्चात एउटा निचोडमा पुग्यौं।

विभिन्न अाम मानिससँगको उठबस, भलाकुसारी, बहस, छलफलले के देखायो भने नागरिक, समाज र राज्य बीचको अन्तरसम्बन्धले नै देशको विगत, वर्तमान र भविष्य निश्चित गर्दोरहेछ। अर्थात् नागरिक, समाज र राज्यबीच अन्तरनिर्भरता हुन्छ र यी एक अर्काका परिपूरक हुन्छ। जति पनि राष्ट्रहरुले विकासमा फड्को मारेका छन्, तिनमा यी तीनै शक्ति बीच सहकार्य, सहअस्तित्व र सन्तुलन हुन्छ। जुन राष्ट्र पिछडिएका छन् त्यहाँका नागरिक, समाज र राज्यबीच पर्याप्त सहकार्य, सहअस्तित्व र सन्तुलन हुदैन।  विडम्बनाको कुरो, पछिल्ला केही शताब्दीमा हाम्रो नेपाल अाफै पिछडिएका राष्ट्रको उदाहरण बनेको छ।

जब नेपाली समाजले ठीक र बेठीक नछुट्याई देखावटी अल्पकालीन हितलाई प्राथमिकता दिन्छ तब समाजमा सत्य र असत्य, ठीक र बेठीक बीच

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How to distinguish between a leader or ruler in Nepal ?

Here are some differences I have noticed between our Nepali rulers stuck in 19th/20th century status quo and the 21st century relevant leaders that Nepal probably wants.

What we have:

What we seek:

Romanticizes on 19th & 20th century ideologies without evolving. are pragmatic and willing to change views when proved by facts and research
Believe in ‘Win – Lose’ Believe in ‘Win -Win’
Teaches followers to ‘follow’ Mentor followers to ‘lead’
Transparency is ‘dreaded’ Transparency is ‘compulsory’
Accountable to only ‘followers’ Accountable to ‘citizens’
Response style: “beat around the bush Response style: Straight to the point .
Over-promises, under-delivers Under-promises, over-delivers
Continue reading How to distinguish between a leader or ruler in Nepal ?

तपाईँका १२ अधिकार (हक) जुन जिम्मेवारी बिना अधुरै रहन्छ


Read in English


अधिकार (हक) र जिम्मेवारी – एकै रथका दुई पांग्रा हुन्। कुनै पनि विवेकशील नागरिकले हरेक पल यी दुवैलाई साथ-साथै प्रयोग गरिरहन्छ। यी १२ मन्त्रहरु तपाईँ पनि प्रयोगमा ल्याउनुहोस् – मेरो शुभकामना छ।

  1. १) मन लागेको बोल्न पाउनु मेरो हक हो। के बोल्ने, कुन बेला बोल्ने वा सुन्ने यो जान्नु मेरो जिम्मेवारी हो।
  2. २) चिताएका सबै प्राप्त गर्न खोज्नु मेरो अधिकार हो भने प्राप्त गरेको कुरालाई संरक्षण गर्नु मेरो जिम्मेवारी हो।
  3. ३) एक्लो जीवन अाफु खुशी बाँच्न पाउनु मेरो हक हो भने समाजिक प्राणी पनि बन्नु मेरो जिम्मेवारी हो।
  4. ४) मन लाग्या गर्न पाउनु मेरो हक हो भने त्यसले ल्याउने परिणामको उत्तरदायित्व लिनु मेरो जिम्मेवारी हो।
  5. ५) मेहनतको फल लिन पाउनु मेरो हक हो भने लिएको फलको सदुपयोग गर्नु मेरो जिम्मेवारी हो।
  6. ६) जो कसैलाई पनि माया गर्न पाउनु मेरो हक हो भने अाफुलाई जोगाई राख्ने श्रोत (वातावरण, समाज, परिवार) लाई पनि माया गर्नु मेरो जिम्मेवारी हो।
  7. ७) जुन सुकै नेतृत्व चुन्नु मेरो हक हो भने सहि नेतृत्व चुन्नु वा माथी पुर्याउनु मेरो जिम्मेवारी हो।

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Rising India contradicts itself in Nepal.


The India it wants to become contradicts with the India it is showing (with respect to Nepal).

India wants to become one of the world’s most prosperous nations by 2050. That is why it has embarked upon an ambitious, vibrant “Act-East” policy to build its reputation and attract enough partnership and investments to meet this level of prosperity. It is working hard to keep a strong economy by pursuing with its Asian neighbors to the east, a vibrant 3 pillar relationship based on Commerce, Culture and Connectivity.

India has directed its best diplomats and resources towards this. It is helping build Asian super highways to connect India to Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand reaching all the way to Vietnam. It is working with its eastern neighbors to explore oil and other vital resources. It is assertive yet welcoming. It wants the world to realize that the world benefits from “Rising India”. It further wants to show the 21st century as “the

Continue reading Rising India contradicts itself in Nepal.