काठमाडौँ -५ को उज्ज्वल भविष्यको लागि उज्वल

के हामीले काठमाडौँलाई संसारकै सुन्दर शहर बनाउन सक्छौ ?   Read in English. Also you can download this in pdf

धेरै अघिदेखि  मैले यो प्रश्नमा चिन्तन गर्दै आएको छु। म यो शहरलाई माया गर्छु, मलाई थाहा छ तपाई पनि गर्नुहुन्छ। जब  म बिगत र वर्तमानका  चुनौती र अवसरहरुको बारेमा चिन्तन गर्छु, म अकल्पनीय वृद्धि र विकासको सम्भावना बोकेको शहर देख्छु| हरेक गल्ली, टोल र चौबाटोमा अनगिन्ति अवसरहरू देख्दछु। अहिले म काठमाडौँ-५ बाट संविधान सभा निर्वाचनमा उम्मेद्वारको रुपमा उठेकोले यस क्षेत्रको लागि मेरो स्प्रष्ट मार्गदिशा संग्रहित गरेको छु | निश्चय नै जिम्मेवार नागरिक र जवाफदेही नेतृत्व मिलेर नै बन्छ हाम्रो शान्त सम्वृद्ध काठमाडौँ- ५!
म काठमाडौँ क्षेत्र नम्बर-५ बाट सभासद्को रुपमा निर्वाचित भएँ भने निम्न कामहरुको पहल गर्नेछु। यसरी फेरि काठमाडौँलाई संसारकै सुन्दर शहर बनाउछौँ !

१. संबिधान तु बनाम् स्थानीय शासनमा जाम

२. आफ्नो सडक – आफैं बनाऔं

३. समयमा नत्र सरकारी काम सित्तैमा

४. हरियो टोल – बलियो टोल

५. गाडी भन्दा साईकल चाडो हुने टोल

Ujwal Thapa’s Vision for Kathmandu-5: The Future is Bright !

काठमाडौँ-५ को उज्ज्वल भविष्यको लागि उज्वल थापा
Ujwal Thapa’s Vision for Kathmandu-5: The Future is Bright!

नेपालीमा पढ्नुहोला

How do we make Kathmandu the most beautiful, livable city in the world again? I’ve dwelled and deliberated on this question for several years now. In early 2012, I even blogged about this at whynepal.com. I love this city, and I know you do too. When I look at our past ,and the current challenges and opportunities, I see a glass that is that is way more than half full: I see a city with potential for unimagined growth and progress.  I see endless opportunities at each galli, each tole and each “chaau-baato”.  So why have we let it degrade into a polluted, chaotic, and mismanaged mess? Kathmandu is bleeding, and is calling out for our help!

In my 2012 blog, I spoke about the need to strengthen local governance and to demand our local elected and government officials to work in partnership with their neighborhoods – local youth, businesses, schools, and other civil society leaders – to do a better job of governing the

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Why You Should Vote for Ujwal Thapa (‘Dog’ sign) in Kathmandu- 5

नेपालीमा पढ्नु होला

ujwal thapa vertical copyI am not a career politician. Just like you, I am fed up and disgusted with the politicians Nepal has seen, who have time and again proven their incompetence and dishonesty. After spending the last 10 years demanding accountability and creating social change and opportunities from the ‘outside’ in the role of an activist/professional, I have now decided to fight for change from the ‘inside’ by joining the political process. In the upcoming November 2013 CA elections, I am standing up as an 36 year old independent candidate from Kathmandu-5.

I hope you read a little more to get to know me better as a person and candidate.

12 years ago, I returned from the United States of America after completing my education, to support the growth of Nepal’s IT industry. Since then, the people I hired and mentored have gone on to set up more than 25 new IT companies in Nepal, creating jobs for hundreds of people. I also started an organic coffee cooperative for small farmers in western

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How to hack at the roots of evil that ends making many Nepali work in slave like condition in Arab countries?

“In Nepal, there are thousands of us hacking at the branches of evil to one who is hacking at the roots.”

One example of this is the recent case highlighted by many nepali newspapers in the past and the  Guardian newspaper report says: Nepali workers in Qatar are abused as slaves while building Football stadiums for the World Cup 2022. This has (rightly) angered all of us Nepali and beyond.

We have a choice to act here.

We can choose to keep hacking at the branches of evil by signing petitions, or writing  articles here and there, demanding Qatar Government, FIFA or Nepal Government stop exploiting Nepali citizens working there. We can curse the political parties or our older generation for this mess while  1500 1600  1700 youths leave daily to be third-class citizens in these countries.

This all is fine. I appreciate it. And we could do more, couldn’t we ?

Here are some ways we can choose to hack directly at the roots of this evil.

By helping build entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial environment in #Nepal for ordinary Nepali to find dignified work here. When we can find dignified work here as a first

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