This is how we go to a dictatorship in Nepal.
Scenario 1:
Deadlock between existing political forces becomes entrenched. People ask the political parties to do anything to en-sure stability. Most elites in Nepal stay outside this fray by running on the aid industry or part of crony business that extracts from ordinary citizens and benefits from policy corruption. Most citizens have come to rely on remittance, thus shifting their loyalty from their leaders to the one who sustains them from outside the country. This in turn gives all control of their local affairs to a syndicate of the same old corrupt political parties who will rule with impunity. Citizens become more divided by the day (because of the parties using ethnicity and religion as their trump-card). More and more citizens with common-sense, brains or energy leave Nepal every day. There will be no elections or it keeps getting postponed or the resulting power only gets distributed between the existing syndicate system of power dividing)
Nepal ends up a failed state. All productive young Nepalis keep leaving the country. Nepal will fragment and ruled in turn by a syndicate of autocratic parties (in a new form of old political parties).
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