Unity within diversity: Our Nepal

हाम्रो नेपाल -विविधततामा एकता यस्तै छ: सबै आफुमा मिठो छौँ तर मिले झनै मिठो !
तर नमिले चाहिँ तो खाली कप जस्तो है कि कसो? 🙂

सत्य यहि हो यो देश र देशवाशीको ।

Our Nepal – Unity within diversity : Yes we are all delicious alone: but much more delicious together 🙂 Yet if we fight, we are like that empty cup isolated out there  (towards the top of the picture) !

संबिधान वा नियम कानुनमा हक होईन जिम्मेवारी टन्नै लेखिनु पर्‍यो

more responsibilities than rightsअबको संबिधानमा (वा जुनसुकै नियम – कानुनमा) हक मात्र होईन जिम्मेवारी पनि टन्नै लेखिनु पर्छ ।
मेरो बिचारमा यसरी जाँदा धेरै गाँठो फुकाल्न सजिलो हुन्छ । सबैलाई आफ्नो दायित्व बोध भयो भने बल्ल एक अर्काको मर्का पनि बुझ्न सजिलो हुन्छ र हक माग्नेले पनि अरुको बारेमा सोच्छ।
सहानुभुति पनि बढ्छ अनि सदभावको वातावरण बढ्छ -सबैले बुझ्ने स्थिति पैदा हुन्छ।

त्यसैले यसो गरे कसो होला – आँउदो संबिधान र नियम कानुनमा हक ठिकै – जिम्मेवारी टन्नै भएको निकाले कसो होला ?

The Nepal Advantage: 11 reasons to invest in Nepal

Why Invest in Nepal ? Here are 11 fresh reasons:
  1. We have the best location – The China India proximity
  2. We are connected to the world
  3. Time zone advantage for US and European companies
  4. Cost advantage for global companies
  5. Coming out of a period of political uncertainty
  6. Success stories – Lack of global companies competing so whoever enters will win
  7. High quality talent pool (coupled with lack of global firms here)
  8. Strong urban education system generating great young talents
  9. Great weather, friendly people and breathtaking terrain
  10. A young and rapidly urbanizing population (fastest in South Asia)
  11. Many growth areas exist in Nepal
Please download and read this full document pdf . It is filled with common-sense rationales and specific examples. It is quick to download and written by Prasanna Dhungel and me.
• Do read it and give us ideas to improve it for next version.
• Feel free to distribute it where-ever you want. Show it to any foreign investor friend who wants to know more.Here is the short link to remember and share: