There is no limit what a man can do or where he can go, if he doesn’t mind who gets the credit.
— Robert Woodruff
I get a lot of emails asking me for permission to reprint my articles in on other blogs, in newsletters, in conferences and in classrooms. I get requests to translate certain posts, or my entire blog, into other languages.
So I’m granting full permission to use any of my content (but not the guest written articles who you will have ask them) on in any way you like. If unsure, just ask. I release my copyright on all content I own here.
From now on, there is no need to email or Facebook me for permission. Use it however you want! Email it, share it, reprint it with or without credit. Change it around, put in a bunch of swear words and attribute them to me. It’s OK. 🙂
While you are under no obligation to do so, I would appreciate it if you give me credit for any work of mine that you use, and ideally, link back to the original. but if your friends want to share
Continue reading Feel Free to Steal My Content. This blog is open-sourced now!