Whynepal.com » entrepreneurs http://www.whynepal.com Nepal doesn't need to change. We do. Fri, 02 Sep 2011 11:23:17 +0000 en hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v= समस्या एक महान अवसर हो /entrepreneurship/united-we-rise/ /entrepreneurship/united-we-rise/#comments Tue, 26 Apr 2011 04:00:42 +0000 Ujwal /?p=2247 Continue reading ]]> समस्या एक महान अवसर हो भन्छन् एउटा नेपाली युवाले । A young nepali calls for Nepalis to work together to create opportunities and presents a compelling case. speech in Nepali. Do you know him or his organization ? I would be interested to meet him. Let me know.

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केहि उद्धमी उपदेशहरु /inspiration/advice-from-nepal-entrepreneurs/ /inspiration/advice-from-nepal-entrepreneurs/#comments Mon, 21 Mar 2011 02:36:30 +0000 Ujwal /?p=1813 Continue reading ]]>

“म प्रयास नै नगरेको भनेर पछुताउनु भन्दा बरु गल्ती नै गर्छु ।”

प्रबल गुरुङ, अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय फेसन डिजाइनर

“पर्यटन सपनाको उद्योग हो। तपाईंले सपना देख्नुपर्दछ र त्यसलाई बेच्नुपर्दछ।”

कर्ण शाक्य, काठमाडौं गेस्ट हाउस

“सरकार आएर तिम्रो जीवनलाई सजिलो बनाउला भनेर नपर्ख र अपेक्षा पनि नगर। यो तिम्रो जीवन र तिम्रो देश हो। त्यसलाई बिगार्न नदेऊ।”

अम्बिका श्रेष्ट, अध्यक्ष, द्वारिकाज ग्रुप अफ होटेलस्

“नयाँ प्रविधिको अध्ययन गर्नुहोस् र यदि त्यसले आफ्ना आवश्यकताहरुलाई पुर्ति गर्ने भए त्यसलाई अँगाल्नुहोस्।”

आनन्द बगारिया, निम्बस समुह

“राम्रो वित्तीय अनुशासन लागु गर र केन्द्रित भएर काम गर।”

वीरेन्द्र बस्नेत, बुद्ध एयर

“नेपालमा काठमाडौं मात्रै एउटै सम्भाव्य बजार होइन ।”

किरणकृष्ण श्रेष्ठ, नेपालय

“चुनौती भनेको व्यवस्थालाई कसरी परिवर्तन गर्ने जसले गर्दा असल मान्छे र विचारहरुले सम्मान पाउँछन्। युवा पुस्तामा असल मान्छे तथा असल विचारलाई पहिचान गरी उनीहरुलाई समर्थन गरी व्यवस्था बदल्ने अभिभारा आएको छ।”

योगेन्द्रमान शाक्य, नेपाल पर्यटन वर्ष २०११

“तपाईं व्यवसायमा हरेक चरणमा सिर्जनात्मक भई आफ्ना समस्याको समाधान खोज्नुपर्दछ विशेषगरी नेपालमा जहाँ मानिसहरु नयाँ विचार तथा परिवर्तनप्रति त्यति विश्वास गर्दैनन्।”

अनिल चित्रकार, सामाजिक उद्यमी

“आफ्नो लागि काम गर्ने मानिसहरु व्यवसायका सबभन्दा महत्वपूर्ण सम्पति हुन्। सबै कामदारहरुसँग राम्रोसँग सम्बन्ध राख्नु जरुरी हुन्छ किनकि अहम भएको एकजनाले पनि कामको प्रवि्र्कयालाई बिगार्न सक्दछ।”

किरण भक्त जोशी, इनसेसेन्ट रेन एनिमेशन स्टुडियो,

“सबै प्रर्किया जान्नु आवश्यक छ तर सबैमा हात हाल्दा व्यवसायमा अव्यवस्था सिर्जना हुनसक्दछ। व्यवसाय विस्तार हुँदै जाँदा आफ्ना सहयोगीहरुलाई जिम्मेवारी हस्तान्तरण गर्न र उनीहरुलाई विश्वास गर्न सिक्नु आवश्यक हुन्छ।”

तासी सेर्पा, सेर्पा एडभेन्चर गिएर

“तौलिएर जोखिम उठाऊ र अरुको नक्कल गर्नुभन्दा आफै केही नयाँ कुरा सुरु गर किनकि नक्कल गर्ने व्यक्ति जहिले पनि जसको नक्कल गरिएको हो ऊभन्दा तल्लो स्तरको नै हुन्छ ।”

ज्ञानेन्द्रलाल प्रधान, हाइड्रो सोलुसन्स

“भर्खर उद्यम सुरु गरेको व्यक्तिले आवश्यक परेको बेलामा सबै किसिमको काम गर्न तयार हुनुपर्दछ।”

इच्छा बहादुर तामाँङ, सिभिल ग्रुप

“यदि आफुले सिर्जना गरेको सामानको गुणस्तरको बारेमा विश्वस्त छौ भने कोहीसँग पनि डराउनु पर्दैन।”

चन्द्र तिवारी, नीना एन्ड हेगर

“यो समय नै नेपालमा उद्यमी बन्नको लागि सबैभन्दा उत्तम समय हो।”

मीन बहादुर गुरुङ, भाटभटेनी सुपरमार्केट

तपाईँलाई यी उपदेशहरु मन परे अरु पनि छन्। ५० पानाको नेपाली उद्दमीको हातेपुस्तिका डाउनलोड गर्नुहोस सित्तैमा यहाँ - http://bit.ly/E4Nbook_nepali

धन्यवाद !

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Get an inspiring 50-page book on Nepali Entrepreneurship for free /entrepreneurship/get-an-inspiring-50-page-book-on-nepali-entrepreneurship-for-free/ /entrepreneurship/get-an-inspiring-50-page-book-on-nepali-entrepreneurship-for-free/#comments Wed, 12 Jan 2011 05:15:18 +0000 Ujwal /?p=1617 Continue reading ]]> How would you like to get an inspiring 50-page book on Nepali Entrepreneurship for free?

The excellent team of Entrepreneurs for Nepal ( I am its co-founder ) have been working for the last 6 months to bring you an updated book about Nepali Entrepreneurship. And it’s free ! I believe it is inspiring, useful and an easy read. And It will provoke you, in line with my personal philosophy of provoking Nepalis to change Nepal. (Click on image to download)

Book on Nepali Entrepreneurship

E4N Handbook ( Version 2.0 -size is 1.5 Mb). Click on this link to download and share.


(If you cannot click it, copy/paste the link on a browser window)

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I want you to actively share this pdf document with your friends, students, colleagues and family who may find this inspiring and useful. Email them now, Share the link in Facebook, twitter and even upload it in your blog or favourite website and share the link with the world.


If you have questions or problems with downloads, feel free to ask here or visit E4N website.



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  1. Download this e-book full of positive success stories in Nepal
  2. interaction with Ambica Shrestha , social entrepreneur / Dwarika heritage resorts.
  3. A Nepali entrepreneur shares his story

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Birendra Basnyet from Buddha Air says /entrepreneurs/birendra-basnyet-from-buddha-air-says/ /entrepreneurs/birendra-basnyet-from-buddha-air-says/#comments Fri, 24 Dec 2010 20:45:20 +0000 Ujwal /?p=1483 Continue reading ]]>

Originally posted in the discussion thread here in Entrepreneurs for Nepal forums,

Join its free group here in Facebook!

here is a short transcript of the interaction with Mr. Birendra Bdr. Basnyet, Managing Director of the very successful, and the most reliable Airline in Nepal,  Buddha Air. This happened on 25th November, 2010 as part of the Last Thursdays event co-organized by “Entrepreneurs for Nepal.”


My family background is basically in agriculture and in that respect, I am a first generation entrepreneur (outside of agriculture). The reason behind opening Buddha Air was the creation of wealth. Fourteen years ago, when we were establishing Buddha Air, we didn’t have any equity and hence we started with debt finance. Looking back, the determination that we had fourteen years ago, was the key for the establishment of Buddha Air. Being a middle class family, opening up an airline company was a joke for everybody else. Even our own family made fun of us. They mocked, We didn’t have five thousand rupees in our pocket but we were forwarding a project worth three hundred million rupees. There were many factors which made it possible though, especially our strategic planning and action for the company. Some major values Buddha Air represents is diligence, integrity and honesty. We have been practicing these three values very seriously.


Another important thing we do is respecting and facilitating our staff. We have around six hundred staff and they are our major strength. If we do not facilitate our staff and respect our team members, we cannot be profitable. There is a union in Buddha Air but it is not political. Though the union is there, we are free to take actions in the matters of human resource management and we can even fire the workers in necessary conditions. The union understands that if any of the staff makes a mistake, it will hamper the entire team. Another important thing is we have a transparent account and we pay all the taxes. Let me also tell you that I don’t know anyone from the tax office and this kind of transparency is highly valued by our staff. Let me share with you a situation, during one of our lowest time. In 2001, the aviation industry wasn’t doing great. There was an extremely unhealthy competition in aviation sector and to make matter worse, we were in dire financial state. We then called all our staff together and decided to reduce thirty percent of our salaries, just so we can sustain the company. Understanding the situation, everyone was ready to cut down on their salaries. In the end, we didn’t have to reduce the salary but the incident demonstrated our ability to handle even that type of situation. In the other hand, we have been able to justify our profits as well and have provided bonus to all our staff members.


Institutionally, the organization has grown immensely and right now we also have an institutional fund. However, one of my proud moments was that when the government called me to pay 10% of all my income so far in the voluntary disclosure of income source (VDIS). Due to the transparency we maintained, I was able to reply saying if they wanted 10%, they would have to return 15% of the 25% of our income we have already paid for all those years as taxes. The main importance of transparency accountancy is that we can diversify from the legal savings we have made which is also one of our greatest achievements In my view, one of our major strength is that we focused in only one business. Organizations like IFC and World Bank has told us in 2009 that there are only five airlines companies in the world that have generated net profit and one of them is Buddha Air. And the main reason behind it is core competency. It’s been fourteen years and yet we are only focused in one part of the sector. We have also always focused on the good governance that is required in any organization. There is a huge cash flow generated in the aviation industry and right now the turnover of domestic aviation industry is around six billion. Hence there are various tempting opportunities to diversify the work but we would not want to drift from our core competencies. Strategic decisions of Buddha Air are- firstly our total focus was on our loan reduction and exposure reduction. We have paid billions of rupees of loan and what it does is that it creates a track record. We can always ask for the pre-paid loan. Every entrepreneur should be very critical about the loan and loan reduction is one of the major factors. Secondly, we never compromise on quality or safety. Every year we spend hundreds of millions of rupees to train our staff. Our pilots go to America, Bangkok etc. for simulations and our engineers go for training every year. We have a huge amount of spare parts and we have not compromised a bit in training our staff. Besides this, it is also important for the staff to feel the sense of belongingness.


Buddha Air is the property of more than five hundred staff member. Another strategy is- we generally try to figure out the anticipated problem and we try to list out the solution before the problem occurs. Finally, what we pay attention to is innovation. We do not follow precedents because if we had followed precedents, Buddha Air wouldn’t have existed in the first place.

More Questions & Answers with Birendra Basnyet here!

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Making your case. The Last resort /entrepreneurs/making-your-case-last-resort/ /entrepreneurs/making-your-case-last-resort/#comments Wed, 22 Dec 2010 18:34:53 +0000 Ujwal /?p=1456 Continue reading ]]> Press Release of The Last Resort’s fight to keep their business alive

This is how you present your case. Click the link above to see what I mean. Simple and clear and with numbers. A pointer for all students of journalism, business reporting and Public Relations.

Also if they make one in Nepali, it helps more. Anyone want to help with the translating ? I will pass it back to them.

p.s I support their business practices. Those who don’t know who they are and what they do, view their website here.

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A Nepali entrepreneur shares his story /entrepreneurs/a-nepali-entrepreneur-shares-his-story/ /entrepreneurs/a-nepali-entrepreneur-shares-his-story/#comments Wed, 08 Dec 2010 08:29:20 +0000 Ujwal /?p=1427 Continue reading ]]> Anand Bagaria shares his story in Entrepreneurs for Nepal

Check this link and share with friends if you liked it.


Related posts:

  1. Get an inspiring 50-page book on Nepali Entrepreneurship for free
  2. Download this e-book full of positive success stories in Nepal

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Be simply good at what you do. Meet Chandra Maharzan /entrepreneurship/be-simply-good-at-what-you-do-meet-chandra-maharjan/ /entrepreneurship/be-simply-good-at-what-you-do-meet-chandra-maharjan/#comments Sun, 15 Aug 2010 11:02:33 +0000 Ujwal /?p=316 Continue reading ]]> Meet Chandra from Wpshoppe.com

Chandra Maharzan of Wpshoppe

Chandra at his best with his band Nissim !

I have had the pleasure to work with him closely for a lot of years and he is a classic example about doing things that you are great at and create a niche market for a small business entrepreneur.

Basically here is what he does.
Chandra makes beautiful website themes (designs) for WordPress powered websites. And his designs has become quite popular in the WordPress community. Here is his website. (wpshoppe.com)
He makes enough to spend an obscene amount of time on his lifelong passions, music, guitars and  photography! So there you go. You don’t have to dream big, to live your life the way you want
A young nepali guy living in the heart of kathmandu, is thriving online, has home office and has enough time for his family and passions and speaking his mouth off in Facebook !

If we can have a critical mass of Nepalis like Chandra doing their own impressive endeavor creating their identities in niche markets, we will turn around Nepal in no time!  One way I am helping in creating this eco-system is through this group called “Entrepreneurs for Nepal“. If you want to be part of this eco-system, join it here in Facebook.

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  2. Live simply, be an entrepreneur, change the world
  3. Get an inspiring 50-page book on Nepali Entrepreneurship for free

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Download this e-book full of positive success stories in Nepal /career/download-this-e-book-full-of-positive-success-stories-in-nepal/ /career/download-this-e-book-full-of-positive-success-stories-in-nepal/#comments Mon, 28 Jun 2010 16:46:58 +0000 Ujwal /?p=822 Continue reading ]]> I am excited to share with you, a free e-book full of positive success stories in Nepal for you to read and download! Here is the link.


This short book is full of entrepreneurs of Nepal’s thoughts and advices in the course of 2 years. We will improve this book with future versions.Here are some of the collaborators for this work at Entrepreneurs for Nepal. Happy reading and sharing !

Let me know your thoughts on improving this book in future versions.

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  1. Get an inspiring 50-page book on Nepali Entrepreneurship for free
  2. some positive thoughts from a Hydro Power developer in Nepal.
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