Category Archives: philosophy

philosophies and guides that shape my thoughts

new workplace.

My company’s new IT workplace will have to be:

mostly empty
occasionally full
most employees at home rather than in office at any given time
conversations mostly through phone, chat and skype/gtalk
decisions made miles apart from each other.
clients thousands of miles apart
solutions: same (quality, quality, quality)

solves myriad of problems (random closures, rampant hours long traffic jams, pollution ….) and invites a few :)

new age of collaboration.

what is your average productivity per week ?

Most of Nepal’s urban workforce have to work 6 days a week in Nepal.
I seriously doubt if our productivity is more than 2 days.  I feel  a significant part of Kathmandu operates in super slow motion.
It just means most of us think work not as a passion but as a job, not as a learning, but as a requirement.

Time to change your job or find something in your job that translates into passion and pursue that otherwise you are not really helping yourself or others around you.

off to understand the ground reality

If you are going to invest your time and energy in a particular environment, you better give enough quality time and thoughts to understanding that environment, that place, that world.

I am going to do just that. I am going back to my village in remote Nepal. A village is what truly represents the moods of this country and if i am going to invest ” a long time” here, I might as well understand the ground reality and be on solid footings here :)

I will trust (you, media and others) but I will verify too.

enjoy :0) if you don’t see me online for some time… i am busy understanding the ground, and my place in it (couldn’t find a better phrase to put than this supposedly vague one).

stability and people

Young people in Kathmandu are under the impression that “grass is greener on the other side”

here are a few tips :

1) Struggle, and make commitments early
2) Commit to career, forget the family for a few years ( really !)
3) Always ask one thing “am i going to lead or am i going to follow ? ”
4) You have a choice, work hard now, or live a mediocre life for a long time.
5) You learn the most at hard times and Kathmandu and Nepal are a mess now, i know. Live through the poison, you will only get stronger…believe that !

enjoy the philosophical edge :)

tough times, opportunity to dig ground, and shine away !

Why are all nepali travel sites in english only?

Dear Travel and tourism businesses,

well aren’t most of your customers from japan, china, korea, belgium, france, germany ?

why is your travel site in English ?

Respect your customer, by making your travel site and learning their language please ! (a travel and tourism information website) uses google translate to get around the problem and auto translate in different languages. at least they made a start ! Its effective and it works.

For a start start using “google translate” button our site. Easy to integrate. Go to and start the process. It might work wonders . At least it won’t hurt.