Buddha was born in Nepal. So what?
Yes, Buddha was born in Lumbini, around 2600 years ago, which is now in Nepal. I am very proud of that he was born here!
But the real question we Nepali should be asking each-other now is:
Would Buddha want to be re-born in Nepal of today?
- Would he approve of our pin-drop silence against injustice and impunity in Nepal?
- Would he salute the long lines of young men and women in a hurry to leave their motherland, that our elders turned into a place of dead-ends and despair?
- Would he embrace his fellow Nepalis who try to divide themselves along our castes, religions and material wealth?
- Would he keep smiling while some of his countrymen kill our own kin in the name of change?
- Would he sit idly while we butcher animals in a ritual sacrifice to appease gods or sell girls to prostitution?
- Would he help us when we prefer to sit silent like sheep while our rulers rape any dignity that is left
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