All posts by Ujwal

About Ujwal

I am an activist, entrepreneur and organic coffee farmer, provoking you to change Nepal. I spend all my time building platforms (eco-systems) for positive people to come together. Right now I am building 21st century relevant leaders for Nepal विवेकशील नेपाली दल ( - A political platform Entrepreneurs for Nepal ( DIE NEPAL BANDH DIE ( ( ( ( ( I live in Kathmandu, Nepal although i interact with people all over the world through the internet :) I am also co-founder of a entrepreneurs for Nepal group ( More in: /ujwal :) Uj

We live in a Loot-tantra

Attention Nepal lovers,
We now live in a Nepal where our rulers openly practise Loot-tantra (Thugocracy) in the name of Lok Tantra (democracy). It is imperative we protect our newly born republic from the corruption that has even engulfed the best and brightest of Nepal. Only by realizing this reality that is creeping its evil roots onto every facet of our society, can we start to begin uprooting the roots of evil!

In essence,

1) We live in a loot-tantra लुटतन्त्र where the most powerful anti-corruption chiefs are suspected of being the most corrupt. Evidences about these officials abusing power with such impunity that even parliament refuses to investigate them and the country’s most powerful intellectuals cower with fear. What good is any ‘great’ system when run with “bad” intent? What good is any constitution, when laws are distorted by the very who swore to protect them?

2) We live in a “baal”-tantra बालतन्त्र where much of the parliament are so full of

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Dealing with stuff

Here are a few disciplines that have helped me (so far) 🙂 in dealing with Nepal’s cynical, hostile environment where there are much expectations by so many.
What to share in public (group emails, Facebook groups, twitter) 
  • Thank you,
  • sorry,
  • praise,
  • happy news,
  • raising hope,
  • showing unity,
  • share positive accomplishments,
  • acknowledgements,
  • public appreciations
  • BibekSheel 6 core values: Empathy, Humility, Integrity, Excellence, Transparency, Courage
in private ( Meeting face to face, on phone, one on one email/chat, “small (less than 3 people) chats, sms, small tea meetings outside office, go for a walking meeting, go on a hike to untangle difficult problems, use facebook voice/skype/viber for distance problem solving)
  • conflict resolution,
  • share bitter news,
  • share confusing thoughts,
  • share / listen to frustrations,
  • build personal relationships,
  • big thank you’s,
  • to delegate work,
  • rejections / to say No
  • BibekSheel 6 core values: Empathy, Humility, Integrity, Excellence, Transparency, Courage
Lets keep our “listening” mode on.
Listening doesn’t mean we agree .. it

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Helambu Trek diary: Spiritually awakening travel in Nepal

Helambu - Gosaikunda

So close, yet so far! Helambu region just north of Kathmandu is home of the Hyolmo Sherpa community that very few Nepalis have traveled to. Every year, me and my family, try to trek to one of the remotest regions of Nepal to enjoy and learn more about our nation with its bountiful diversity. This time, we chose the beautiful Helambu region.

“Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness.”
– Mark Twain

Day 1: Sundarijal in Kathmandu (1300 m) to Chisapani (2154 m)

We took a taxi (cab) to Sundarijal through Chabahil- Boudha and started our big climb up stairs just besides Sundarijal hydro (built in 1934 AD). Our climb took us to Mulkharka village inside Shivapuri National Park. We climbed in steps like paths until the very top of Shivapuri hill (we term 2000 meter mountains actually hills in Nepal). As we descended on to the other side towards Chisapani, rain started pouring.

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विधार्थी साथीहरुलाई यी १२ कार्य गर्न मेरो च्यालेन्ज :)


विधार्थी साथीहरुलाई कलेज सक्काउनु अघि मेरो यो १२ कार्य गर्न च्यालेन्ज 🙂 Read in English
अन्तिममा छोटो भिडियो पनि छ यसै बारे।

१) ईन्टर्नशीप गर्नुहोस्: पढ्दा पढ्दै बर्षमा एक पटक स्कुल-कलेज बाहिरको दुनियाँमा गएर कुनै संगठन, व्यवसाय वा अभियानमा सित्तैमा काम गर्नुहोस्। व्यवहारिक शिक्षा हाम्रो स्कुल र कलेजमा पाईदैँन। ‘ईन्टर्न’ गरेरै वास्तविक जिन्दगीको लागि तयारी गर्नुहोस्।

२) प्रतिभा निकाल्नुहोस्: कलेज-स्कुलमा नाच-गान, नाटकमा वा परोपकारी कार्यको लागि श्रोत संकलन गर्न लाग्नुहोस्। अाफ्नो बौद्दिक विविधतालाई फराकिलो बनाउनुहोस्, ढिलो भन्दा चाँडो अाफ्नो अात्मविश्वास बढाउनुहोस्।

३) अर्थ-बारे सिक्नुहोस्: हाम्रो जीवनमा वित्त/अर्थ कसरी काम गर्छ राम्ररी सिक्नुहोस् (अाजै “कम्पाउन्ड ईन्ट्रेस्ट” र “एक्सपोनेनसियल फन्कसन” कसरी काम गर्छ-अनुसन्धान गर्नुहोस्। सम्पन्नताले हामीलाई अाफ्नो सपना तिर उन्मुख हुन स्वतन्त्रता दिलाउँछ । त्यसैले य़सको अाधारभुत अाधार सिकम् !

४) अनुदान दिनुहोस्: अाफुले जे पाउनु हुन्छ त्यसको कम्तिमा १० को १ भाग दान दिने नियम बनाउनुहोस्। करुणा गर्नु भनेकै अनजानहरुलाई

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शान्त र समृद्ध राष्ट्रका अाधार के हो २१अौँ शताव्दीमा?

पुँजीवादी राज्य बनाउने कि समाजवादी राज्य? कल्याणकारी राज्य कि साम्यवादी राज्य? बिगत दुई दशक भन्दा बढिका प्रतक्ष प्रजातान्त्रिक अभ्यासमा यो देशमा कस्तो राज्य व्यवस्था बनाउने भन्ने विवादमा नै नेपाली राजनीति रुमल्लिई रहेको देखियो। २१ अौँ शताव्दीमा के अब पनि नेपाली राजनीति व्यवहार केन्द्रित नभई, यस्तै राज्य बनाउने वा उस्तै राज्य बनाउने भन्ने सवाल मै सिमित रहने हो त? राज्य मात्र होइन, नागरिक कस्तो बनाउने, समाज कस्तो बनाउने वा सरकार कस्तो बनाउने यस बारे किन परम्परागत नेपाली राजनीतिक दलहरुले ध्यान पुर्याउन सकिरहेको छैनन्?

नेपाल राष्ट्रको समुन्नतिका लागि राजनीतिले राजनीतिकै परिभाषा र व्यवहारलाई नै फराकिलो पार्ने साहस गर्नुपर्छ। अब राज्य मात्र होईन, नागरिक, समाज र सरकार सबैमा समयसापेक्ष रुपान्तरण गर्नु जरुरी छ। राज्य त घरको छानो मात्र हो, जग, भित्ता र भऱ्याङ्ग त नागरिक, समाज र सरकार नै हो, तिनैमा परिवर्तन नभई छानो कै मात्र कुरागर्दा सबथोक लथालिंग हुन्छ। बिगतको लामो राजनीतिक उतारचढावले एउटा कुरा प्रश्ट देखाएको छ कि अबको राजनीति नयाँ भएर मात्र पुग्दैन, यो नितान्त पृथक ढंगबाट अघि बढ्न सक्नुपर्छ। त्यसको लागि अबको राजनीतिले व्यवहार, मान्यता, संरचना र

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