Category Archives: campaigns

Creative Campaigns, some I am involved in, and others that I admire

असक्षम नेताहरुलाई हटाम्!

भाई फुटे, गवारँ लुटे

अँग्रेजीमा पनि पढ्नुहोस।

अस्ति म एकै दिनमा ५ भिन्ना भिन्नै आन्दोलन अवलोकन गर्न पुगेँ । दुईवटा जनजातीको, एउटा १६ साना दलहरुको, अनि बाउन-क्षेत्री समाज आदि र अन्तिममा समयमै संविधान बनाउनका लागि साझा युवा दवाव अभियानको । यी सबै देखे पछि म तल अल्लेखित केहि महत्वपूर्ण कुरामा विश्वस्त भएको छु:

• हामी को संग लड्दै छौं ? ( एक-अर्कासँग)

म वरिपरि हेर्छु – जो पनि नयाँ संघीय गणतन्त्रिक नेपालमा आफ्ना आधारभूत हक-अधिकार शुनिष्चित् बनाउनका लागि मार्न र मर्न तयार छन्। यी सबै मागहरु वैधानिक रुपमा सम्बोधन गर्न सकिन्छ भन्ने कुरामा म विश्वषस्त छु। यो त समाधान गर्न सकिने समस्या हो। खाली  हामीले एक अर्कालाई बुझ्न तयार हुनुपर्यो। आउनुहोस् बसेर संवाद गरौं । एक अर्कालाई सुनौँ – आफ्नो कुरा माथी नराखीकन। अनि विषयगत कुरामै केन्द्रित रही समस्या सल्टाऔं।
जस्तो कि:

  • तपाँईलाई जातीय, पहिचान वा अल्पमतको अधिकार चाहियो? अवश्य समाधान गर्न सकिन्छ।
  • अहिलेका शक्तिशाली जाती वा वर्गलाई आफू विस्थापित हुने डर भयो ? यो पनि सम्बोधन गर्न सकिन्छ।
  • हरेक संघिय राज्यमा समानता चाहियो ? यो पनि सुनिश्चित पार्न सकिन्छ।
  • राज्यहरुबिच श्रोत-साधन समान रुपमा बाँड-फाडँ गर्ने ? यो पनि सजिलै बाँड्न सकिन्छ।
  • भेदभावका समस्या निर्मुल गर्ने ? सहानुभूति, सहानुभूति, सहानुभूति (यो अवश्य सिकाउन सकिन्छ)
  • ऐतिहासिक गल्तीहरु सच्च्याँउने ? पक्कै पनि । ऐतिहासिक र वर्तमान दुवै गल्तीहरु सम्बोधन पनि गरिन्छ !
  • समग्र नेपालीलाई सम्बृद्ध (धनी) बनाउने निति चाहियो ? यो पनि सकिन्छ हाम्रो रणनितिक स्थान (भारत/चिन)को पुर्ण लाभ उठाई अर्थतन्त्रमुखी बनी।
  • यस्तो समाज जहाँ अल्पमत र अवसरबाट वँचित हरुका समस्याहरुका समाधान साथ-साथ योग्यतालाई पनि कदर गरिन्छ ? अवश्य बनाउन सकिन्छ
  • र  अरु धेरै समस्या समाधान गर्न सकिन्छ ।

मुख्य कुरा के बुझ्नु प‍‍र्‍यो हामी सबैले भने यदि हामी नेपालीहरु एक-आपसमा लडिरहने हो भने हामीले चाहेको केहि पनि कुरा कहिले पनि पाउने छैनौँ। कदापि पाउने छैनौ!

• बरु हामी को सँग लड्नुपर्छ? (हरेक दलका नेतृत्व बिरुद्ध)

एक-अर्कासंग लड्‍न मै व्यस्त हामीहरु आज दलका नेताहरुको कठपुतली बन्न पुगेका छौँ। यी नेताहरुले हामी बीचको सदभाव र करुणालाई भाँडन सिकाउदैँछन् र एक-आपसमा अविश्वासको वातावरण सिर्जना गर्न खोज्दैछन। यो सुनियोजित ढङ्गले आफ्नो सत्ता मोहको निमित‍् नेताहरुका बडो घिनलाग्दा चाल हुन् । जति लामो समय सम्म हामी विभाजित रहिराख्‍छौँ ,त्यति नै लामो समयसम्म यी दुराचारी नेताहरु हामीमाथि गुन्डाराज गरि राख्‍नेछन्।

यदि मानौं कि १०० जना नेपाली हामी १०० तिर बाडिँयौँ भने यी दलका नेताले म‍ात्र २ जनाको भोट पाए भने पनि प्रजातन्त्रमा कानुनी रुपले तिनीहरुको जीत हुनेछ र हामी माथि राज गर्न पाउँनेछन् ( अनि अहिले जस्तै गुण्डागर्दी र निरंकुशताका साथ राज गर्नेछन् तर तर्क दिनेछन् – “हामी त जनताले वैधानिक तरिकाले छानिएर आएका हौँ !)

त्यसो भए कसरी सल्टाउने त यो समस्या? ( असक्षम नेताहरुलाई हटाम् )

तपाई हामी लडिरहेका सबै अब संविधानका नाममा एक अर्का संग लड्न छोडौं र पहिले यसो गरे कसो होला? विगठित संविधान सभाका हरेक दलका नेतृत्वलाई तुरुन्तै हटाम्! आउनुहोस एक अर्कासंग हाते मालो गरि हटाम् ।

त्यसपछि तुरुन्तै एक-अर्काका विगत एवं वर्तमान समस्यालाई दिर्घगामी रुपमा समाधान गरौं। आखिर अनेकतामा एकता बोकेको हाम्रो यो मुलुकका भिन्ना भिन्नै समूहले चाहेको  कुरा एउटै होईन र ? – शान्ति, सम्बृद्धि, स्वाभिमानता र सदभाव नै हो। हामी लडिरहेका सबैको जीत हुन्छ तर यसको लागी सर्वप्रथम यी असक्षम नेताहरुलाई हटाउनै पर्छ।
आउनुहोस् एक भएर लागम्  :

 असक्षम नेतालाई हटाम्

असक्षम नेतालाई  हटाउने एउटा उपाय यो पनि हुनसक्छ लिंक- एक विवेकशिल आन्दोलन

Retire the Netas !

भाई फुटे, गवारँ लुटे

Retire the Netas
After attending 5 different protests on a single day, two by Jana Jati sangh, one by 16 “minor” parties, one by bahun-chhetri samaj etc, and one by youths who just want a constitution in time  here is what I believe now.

• Who are we fighting ? (Each other): 

Everyone I look around is fighting to make sure they can get their basic rights in the new Federal Republic of #Nepal. All these demands can be legitimately addressed. This is a solvable problem. We just have to show empathy towards each other. Lets sit down together and get a dialog going now. Lets listen to each other without defending each other. Lets stick to the point.
Isn’t the goal of all warring groups to live in peace, prosperity, dignity and harmony? Common sense can prevail even around all these seemingly differing demands.

  • Ethnic, identity or minority rights? can be solved.
  • Dominant tribes fear of repercussions or reverse-bias? can be addressed.
  • Equality under each federal state? can be ensured.
  • How to share wealth between states? can be easily shared.
  • Discrimination problems? Empathy, Empathy, Empathy (can be taught)
  • Right Historical wrongs? sure… we should. can be addressed !
  • Want to make all Nepalis wealthy? yes easily with our strategic location (India/China) can be created.
  • Meritocracy based on Empathy? yes a system where understanding & empowering minority situation while still creating a merit-based society can be set up.
  • and etc etc etc…
The key is we citizens if we continue fighting each-other will  NEVER get what we want . Never !

• Who should we be fighting against? (Each party leadership)

We citizens who are busy fighting each-other are simply being used by the current political parties in the CA (every one of them). We are being taught NOT to be “compassionate” towards one-another, not to be tolerant and not to trust the other group. This is done deliberately so that the top party Netas can stay in power (the longer and deeper we are divided, the longer they can rule (with an iron fist).
If lets say,there are 100 of us Nepalis bitterly divided into 100 groups, even if these party Netas get 2 votes out of 100, they win legitimately in a democracy and get to rule over us (often with impunity and iron fist – always saying they were elected) !

So how do we solve this ? (Retire the Netas)

Nepali citizens, you and me, let us all pause from fighting each-other on constitutional issues to work with each other on this one issue first. Let us come together to retire every single party leadership representing the Constitutional Assembly CA now! Yes, lets unite to retire them!
Then lets find enough compassion to solve each other’s genuine problems historical and current with common sense, After all, each of the differing groups want the same basic things like peace, prosperity, dignity and harmony. We can ALL WIN but only if we first can make our Netas retire.

So shall we unite to:

असक्षम नेताहरुलाई हटाम् !


Please add your thoughts on how we can make this possible ? Crazy times demand crazy ideas :)
Here is one way I suggest.
By being part of a  Common Sense Movement in Nepal 

Some other links to read also in this same context.
नेपाली भन्नेहरु नेपाली बनेर त हेर
नेपाली बन्ने हो ?
भु्त्रो वीर गोर्खाली हामी त कातर नेपाली ?


Am I Superman ? Answering a cynic

Cynics are fault-finders (in my definition), who assume each of us have to become Superhuman, right from our first try, and who should never try unless we are 100% of our success. Cynicism as I have defined, is one of the worst traits you can possibly carry in  yourself.

I ask any cynic who criticizes ordinary citizens trying to bring positive change, the following questions –

Are we Supermen / Superwomen?

Did you hire us to do this job?

Are we allowed to take rest or simply have to work non-stop like a machine?

Will you demand punishment for us, if we fail ?

Will you point only our faults or also successes as well?

And, what are YOU doing about solving the same problem?

Cynics seem to imply that an ordinary person who wants to give some of their energies at organizing or campaigning on social change events, has to generate the magical power to transform into super-humans, and can keep this stamina for-ever and solve problems for the rest of humanity right NOW.

In respect to social movements, cynics among us or within each of us, will criticize and find faults in anyone who won’t commit 24/7 to lead campaigns or movements or social changes. They are also harsh on any who try and fail.

They fail to realize that change only comes after patiently running a marathon, not after a quick hundred meter sprint.. A marathon is such that we rest a lot, we pace a lot and we fail a lot. But when we become cynics, we start to believe that we have to punch a one-stop magical solutions like how Superman or Superwoman does in comics. It is best we control our own cynicism as well.

Here are some ways to do this.

  • Instead of criticizing, go help some-one. Stop the urge to slight your predecessors who have failed. Focus on celebrating their small successes.
  •  Lets not become a cry-baby when some-one gets tired in their efforts and takes a rest. Thank them. Remember we are all humans, we get passionate,and eventually get tired too. Pursuing change is a lot of up and down roller-coasting.
  • Failure is okay. Cherish it. Poking at change-makers for their failures will not win you anything. You will just disgrace yourself, your friends, and your purpose here. Make an effort to thank anyone’s efforts even if it failed miserably in creating the change. Most of our efforts fail to reach the end-line but helps us and others learn to take one more step closer towards success.

Evil triumphs because we let our cynicism dictate our actions.

p.s I am not Superman. Simply an ordinary man who wants to live in a better world.



we will get a lot done, If we just stop worrying how much credit we deserve

In social causes and movements, I have come to realize that we can get so much done, if only we stop caring about how much credit we deserve for our efforts. I realize many of us feel vindicated and encouraged when others know what we are achieving, and when others credit us for our work. This is completely fine in a lot of matters in our daily lives. But if you are in a social cause or into social movements, where it is in your interest for many to own your idea, spending time of recognition, acknowledgement for yourself not only becomes a waste of time, it even might hurt your campaign.

In social movements, focusing your time on claiming your due credit gets in the way of much of the wonderful work you do. Therefore If you want your idea to float through to become a force to be reckoned with, stop claiming credit, stop caring about owning all this or that. Just focus on the task at hand, and let many others (and random people, even the sour ones) own the idea. Don’t worry. Social movements are all about action. The sour ones can’t own it for long (the work forces them to become change agents themselves).

In the end, if your ideas and actions will find a way to help others, your conscience will thank you even if no one else knows much about your contribution.(That’s if you can control your ego).