- “भोको रहनु । मुर्ख रहनु” – एप्पल कम्प्युटरस् का संस्थापक स्टिभ जब्सका सन्देश
- सन् २०३० मा संसारकै सुन्दर शहर घोषित – “काठमाडौं उपत्यका !”
- Nepal wants more investments, not aid.
- Kathmandu Valley voted the most beautiful city in the world!
- 12 ways you can help Nepal (post Earthquake)
- Entrepreneurial Engineers are bridge-builders to a prosperous Nepal
- How to succeed at business in Nepal ?
- Things to keep in mind when making sales
- How to find, build and retain customers?
- The government has no business doing ‘business’ in Nepal. (Nepal Telecom fiasco)
- Ujwal Thapa’s resume (of failures)
- 10 Things to Take Care of When Starting A Startup
- How to find some-one’s strengths (talent)? कसैको प्रतिभा थाहा पाउनको लागि ५ सुत्र
- All Nepali politicians should become entrepreneurs !
- नेपालमा उद्दमी नै किन बन्ने? कसरी उद्दमशील नेपालीले नै देश रुपान्तरण गर्छन्?
- The Nepal Advantage: 11 reasons to invest in Nepal
- Advise people after saying No
- What is Investment Board, Nepal ? CEO Radhesh Pant answers
- Lets focus on increasing prosperity in Nepal?
- How to build entrepreneurship in Nepal
- Don’t want to see Nepalis dying of cold in winter?
- 10 crazy reasons to start your business in Nepal now
- Key to your success as an entrepreneur – A Strong Team
- How do Entrepreneurs transform Nepal?
- How to change things?
- What is Entrepreneurship?
- ५ खर्ब भित्र्याउनेलाई यस्तो व्यवहार ?
- समस्या नै महान अवसर हो
- What if ? (ideas for Nepal’s guerrilla entrepreneurs)
- Get this inspiring 50-page book on Nepali Entrepreneurship for free
- 12 Lessons I learnt running a company in Nepal
- running a business in chaos
- Be simply good at what you do. Meet Chandra Maharzan
- “All this learning means nothing until you make something happen.” tips from a entrepreneur.
- Meet Entrepreneur Kiran Joshi, Disney Animator who started an animation studio in Kathmandu
- This 3 day Nepal bandh (total shutdown of country). This is blackmail.
- We need a Park ! Turn our old Royal Palace into one now !
- A Messenger of Sentiments- Bal Krishna Joshi from Nepal
- 10 tips to know while starting your own business
- Interaction with a Swedish Investor and a Nepali media CEO
- tourism etiquette for a village in Nepal.
- interaction with Ambica Shrestha , social entrepreneur / Dwarika heritage resorts.
- tips from Karna Sakya, a locally established entrepreneur and author.
- some positive thoughts from a Hydro Power developer in Nepal.
- Waste managment and more: an opportunity for social entrepreneurs.
- Water is gold if you are looking for entrepreneurship in Kathmandu.
- few ideas for kathmandu’s guerilla entrepreneurs…
- real estate booms in kathmandu
- wanted to share an article ” how to build startups that matter”
- never a better time for entrepreneurs in nepal
- everyone is after the big fish
- Business idea: A Public auction place in the heart of the Kathmandu.
- new workplace.
- Stay small, think big in Nepal
- noticing the street entrepreneurs
- stability and people
- building business strategy with potential customers
- negativity = Uncertainity = negativity
- Happy Dashain Folks !
- Why take risk?
- Hydro-Tourism: Can this bring prosperity to rural Nepalis?