Archive for the ‘governance’ Category

. simple. Wealth is a creation. Its dynamic. Poverty is an idle state. It is the state that people naturally stay put in. Don’t over-analyse it. Don’t spend too much resources find yet another root causes of it. It is a state in which people normally stay in. Instead of “launching programs to find where … Read the rest of this entry »

current state of Nepal

June 23rd, 2010

When Nepalis who have the ability to create jobs, are afraid to invest time, effort into it, Nepalis who have wealth, want to hide it, Nepalis who have ideas, want to keep it to themselves either out of fear or lack of enthusiasm or sucked dry by the environment around them, Nepalis who want to … Read the rest of this entry »

No taxation without the new constitution in nepal In the 9 years, I have been back and experimenting and failing through a number of start ups, I have realized that without the environment changing, we entrepreneurs have little to celebrate in Nepal now because we face roadblocks of immense scale, where we are not being … Read the rest of this entry »

If business person can be blacklisted for defaulting, Cannot lawmakers be blacklisted for defaulting on our new constitution? Here are your 601 lawmakers that people of Nepal (yes, you!) asked to build a new constitution of Nepal, 2 years ago (yes 24 months)  that would help us enter a new age of progressive Nepal. Are … Read the rest of this entry »

When you have a brand that is only “negative”. When there is very little trust in your brand and no hope from management that it will change its services, my solution is to break this brand up in bits, and sell the scraps ! you can’t fix a flawed direction unless you turn 180 degrees. … Read the rest of this entry »

Are you looking forward to this 3-day bandh, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday? (Total shutdown of Nepal) What say to the sorry fact that a few big egos with no-one’s interests at heart but their own, will oppress you for three long days with the threat of some cheap several-hundred-rupee-per-day-hired-goons. Who benefits from this? Can bullying create … Read the rest of this entry »

Want some creative use of the old Royal Palace! It is a huge space in the most lucrative business districts of the country and it now houses a stupid museum and a stupid bureaucratic hole. So lets suggest some creative ideas for this space. Here are some of mine: Take the bloody foreign ministry somewhere else … Read the rest of this entry »

you force-close a city

June 1st, 2009

So you force-close a city (Kathmandu) for a day: you put brakes on 5 million people’s mind for a day you make 5 million idle minds become a devil’s playground you force a million youths to lose their morale and purpose (one level down at  a time). you strangle any entrepreneur’s budding desires to start … Read the rest of this entry »

Death of a salesman !

November 28th, 2008

A business runs on promises (faith)… more than anything. So when a government promises stability.. yet does little to stop its support for strikes, stoppage, extortion, violence against entrepreneurs…. business will cease to run… and us, entrepreneurs start going on strikes… Nepal is soon on its way to being a nation without sound business run … Read the rest of this entry »

here is something i posted on : Facebook ” Entrepreneurs for Nepal” and elaborated since here: Random ideas that will jump-start our economic revolution. Immediate steps. Have to recruit younger technocrats and remove the old ones from the National planning commission and finance and related ministries. >>> Set up YEL = Youth Entrepreneur’s league (new … Read the rest of this entry »

Today Nepal becomes a Republic (or rather starts on its track.). My main question is whether as a republic, we will have finally improve our Gross National Happiness, GNH ( and not our GDP, no not that our material wealth progress indicator.). i.e material and mathematical analysis of GDP are just a small yet important … Read the rest of this entry »

Fear, Fear, Fear:

May 15th, 2008

“Fear” “Fear” “Fear” Maoists used the concept of “fear” in their marketing. (( has worked in republican campaigns in the past 8 years in US.. you get the idea from george bush election wins).. effectively…. If the Republicans in USA could win the US elections using “fear” as one of their main campaign tools, Maoist … Read the rest of this entry »

lack of marketing.

April 14th, 2008

when you don’t market your product effectively, your company loses when you don’t market your agenda effectively, your party loses in election. Maoists were superb marketeers this constituent election. They sold their slogans and agendas clearly, and to the grassroots.. Learn .. Learn.

more people = more indecision more = bad less is good less interference, less subsidies, less people, small teams do better than big big big teams. From government to businesses…

Bad days for an entrepreneur…. If i don’t know how much electricity i am going to get next week, or how much petrol i am going to get 2 days from now, then thats a big problem for development. UNCERTAINTY. These are the days of the parasites Everyone is looking at another to see if … Read the rest of this entry »

Some interesting tidbits after talking to a realestate/company registration lawyer in kathmandu: a) if a foreigner investing in industries like tourism, trade, industry and real estate, they get 100% ownership . You will also own 100% ownership of even real estate in Nepal as a company only. Previously there was much barriers to a foreigner … Read the rest of this entry »

To tax or not:

September 5th, 2007

A tough question. I am of the philosophy that i would rather give workers more money in her hands than to the government who (i believe) takes that money and doesn’t do much with it. I feel that a government which taxes little, in turn helps creators create more and better in turn, helps employees, … Read the rest of this entry »