- तपाईँलाई नेतृत्व बनाउन दिने तर नेतृत्व चाहिँ बन्न नदिने संविधान
- “भोको रहनु । मुर्ख रहनु” – एप्पल कम्प्युटरस् का संस्थापक स्टिभ जब्सका सन्देश
- नेपालको भारत (र चीन) प्रति कस्तो नीति हुनु पर्छ ?
- कस्तो सिद्धान्तले २१ औं शताब्दीमा संमृद्ध नेपाल बनाउने शक्ति हाँक्नेछ?
- तपाईँका १२ अधिकार (हक) जुन जिम्मेवारी बिना अधुरै रहन्छ
- सन् २०३० मा संसारकै सुन्दर शहर घोषित – “काठमाडौं उपत्यका !”
- Nepal wants more investments, not aid.
- भूकम्पको के दोष!
- Kathmandu Valley voted the most beautiful city in the world!
- 12 ways you can help Nepal (post Earthquake)
- संविधानसभालाई खुला पत्र: गाँठो फुकाउने संविधानको खाका
- Being born a Nepali is never enough. Time to ‘become’ a Nepali !
- Why did we write our own constitution of Nepal?
- What ‘stops’ a positive force from leading Nepal ?
- समस्त ‘पशुका संरक्षक’ पशुपतिनाथ भगवानले हामीलाई किन रक्षा गर्ने?
- देश बनाउने सकारात्मक शक्तिलाई केले रोकेको छ?
- What is 21st century relevant leadership for Nepal?
- 10 historical actions that shaped Modern era Nepal
- (राजनीतिक) बिधार्थी संगठनको सट्टा के त ?
- Networks of Hope
- सिधा जवाफै नदिने कु-संस्कारले रोकेको छ संमृद्ध नेपाल
- Lets make a ‘virtuous cycle’ in Nepal
- नेपालमा आफ्नो भविष्य कसरी जोगाउने?
- Buddha was born in Nepal. So what?
- We are not failing. We have already failed. Lets deal with it.
- नेपाल आमाको पनि मुख हेर्ने होईन? (अाज अामाको मुख हेर्ने दिन)
- Ideas on Nepal while looking from neighboring India
- नेपाल हाम्रो घर हो, डेरा होईन
- 12 Lessons from volunteering for Occupy Baluwatar
- This is how we go to a dictatorship in Nepal
- Let’s just call things what they are
- नेपालमा मात्र २ जात छन् – नेपाली भन्नेहरु र नेपाली बन्नेहरु Only 2 groups in Nepal: Doers or Talkers
- Because if this country burns, we burn with it.
- दुष्टताको हाँगो भाँच्दै बस्ने कि जरो पनि काट्ने ?
- What should be Nepal’s foreign policy like: Outcome of 8th Citizens gathering on “What next for Nepal”
- How can Nepal prosper?
- 8 visions for a peaceful prosperous Nepal. A virtuous cycle!
- Kathmandu or Nepal ?
- २०३० मा नेपाल कस्तो होला ?
- Why doesn’t anyone open a political party in Nepal?
- Scrap SLC ! It is a waste of our money and time
- हेर्नुहोस् – तपाँईको परिवार भित्र एक होईन धेरै जातको रगत मिस्सिएको छ
- Unity within diversity: Our Nepal
- संबिधान वा नियम कानुनमा हक होईन जिम्मेवारी टन्नै लेखिनु पर्यो
- नेपालमा नेताहरु तपाँई मै भर परेका छन् … Nepal’s rulers rely on you, not you on them
- अब कस्को राज नेपालमा ? (Who will rule Nepal now)
- आफुलाई नेपाली भन्ने साथीहरु नेपाली बनेर त हेर, बन्न कति गाह्रो छ
- भुत्रो वीर गोर्खाली – हामी त कायर नेपाली
- “यस्तै हो, के गर्ने” बाट >>> “अहिले नगरे कहिले, हामीले नगरे कस्ले”
- आँउदो वर्ष अझै चोर्नु, घरै बेच्नु, जुत्ताकै माला लगाउनु अनि ‘यो’ जीवनै त्याग्नु !
- Am I Superman ? Answering a cynic.
- We are inches from success in Nepal!
- Don’t want to see Nepalis dying of cold in winter?
- नेपाली भन्ने कि नेपाली बन्ने ?
- Help us, by not helping us now
- Individually excellent, collective failure (we Nepalis)
- Nepal is beautiful. It doesn’t need to change. We do.
- Are we what we were shaped to be early on?
- First they came for
- The Ant and the Grasshopper (the Nepal story)
- Tomorrow I am not giving up on Nepal
- ५ खर्ब भित्र्याउनेलाई यस्तो व्यवहार ?
- Who needs to change?
- Would anyone notice if no one knew?
- Are we what we are shaped to be?
- The future of education.
- Are we equals ?
- Nepal’s Democracy needs a new Aristocracy
- Global Nepali Citizenship
- Nepal हाम्रो नेपाल
- create wealth…stop finding out causes of poverty.
- Are you a race horse or a wild horse?
- Dokkodo, the art of living as a warrior
- Download this e-book full of positive success stories in Nepal
- The current state of affairs in Nepal: Time to wake up
- No taxation without the new constitution in Nepal
- non interference vs interference
- nearly 3 out of 4 Nepalis are under 35. what does that mean to you?
- This 3 day Nepal bandh (total shutdown of country). This is blackmail.
- The business cost of avoiding confrontation
- 5 Whys
- Is your immediate goal to earn good risk-free and a stable income? Join a non-profit sector in Nepal.
- 10 tips to know while starting your own business
- tips from Karna Sakya, a locally established entrepreneur and author.
- When you forcefully close a city: you lose, I lose, we all lose
- some positive thoughts from a Hydro Power developer in Nepal.
- few ideas for kathmandu’s guerilla entrepreneurs…
- Nodding is fun to watch, but largely ineffective.
- everyone is after the big fish
- Business idea: A Public auction place in the heart of the Kathmandu.
- In the time of darkness…
- 50 children infront of 50 turned off computer screens, writing their homeworks with a pencil.
- Is everything okay : quoting from Seth godin
- are you a poor man or a rich man
- progress of a country indicator: Gross self esteem
- Don’t wait, GET small, THINK big.
- Why is exchanging information on web still cumbersome ?
- Stay small, think big in Nepal
- Why Maoists won: in marketing sense: Concept 1 : Youth, Youth, Youth
- 8 days of holiday for an election vs “no work.. .no eat”.
- so you think you are special…
- stability and people
- Why are all nepali travel sites in english only?
- Damn good read.
- when was the last time your customer was so enthusiastic